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  1. rubberdubber

    Quiet Air Pump

    I have eheim two pipe outlet which isnt to bad, it depends on the surface its sitting on I did have it hanging on a hook for a while but moved it because it didnt look good there but on a solid shelf or in a cupboard they can act like a speaker and magnify the sound.
  2. rubberdubber

    Americans Scare Me!

    Still think its a good idea so there :P
  3. rubberdubber

    This Person Should Not Keep Fish...

    As I have said earlier on, and we all agree, this looks bad, and after reading all your other comments I can see a bit everyones point. I dont like utube as it seems to be used for "stunts" many from teenagers trying to be Jackass. May I aks if anyone outthere is already a member, is it possible...
  4. rubberdubber

    Who Uses A Timer To Regulate Their Light?

    I think thats what I am going to have to do :angry: as I said I hate wires but it may be better in the long run
  5. rubberdubber


    I have a similar amount of stock and if you read on most food packs it says to feed 2 to three times a day as much as your fish will eat in few minutes. I find it is best to feed a little flake an hour or so after lights on and then a little flake and an extra treat of either tubifex, live food...
  6. rubberdubber

    Who Uses A Timer To Regulate Their Light?

    I have a small problem with my lighting (my fault) I have wired all of my electrics through a junction box (heater filter lights and air pump) because I hate having lots of plugs, wires and extensions around. now I want to have a timer for lighting and cannot think a way to do it without putting...
  7. rubberdubber

    Americans Scare Me!

    I thought you Americans called us Brits eccentric!!!!!!!! I recently had new patio doors fitted, and suggested to wife that we made a pond outside it with a stream running into the living room and out again under a clear glass floor. I thought it would be nice She just said shut up you arse...
  8. rubberdubber

    Jake's 66l Tank

    Nice tank, as others have said cory cats are good. I have two bronze and two peppered along with two clown loaches who keep the snails at bay. The only thing to watch in a community tank is what I have done, it is too easy to keep going to your fish shop and saying " i like that " and getting...
  9. rubberdubber

    Which Tetra?!

    I have some silver tip tetra, and rummy nose and they both look great against the black backing , but the rummy do stay together mor and are more active.
  10. rubberdubber

    Battle Of The Sexes

    Tell you something, even though men are just in front. I have a theory on what goes on during the day. How come women were in front during the day, then the men overtook in the evening? I wonder. Buy the way I am not on the pull, could not get away with that, my wife is watching me, (bugger)...
  11. rubberdubber


    I agree its doom and gloom but after a bad day at work it makes my life look easy :rolleyes:
  12. rubberdubber

    This Person Should Not Keep Fish...

    I agree, if these were cats or dogs they would have been reported and banned from keeping them. I suppose there may still be hope for them as they do look in good health (at the moment)
  13. rubberdubber

    Exercising Your Shrimp...

    Makes me feel bad sitting here doing nothing. Bet his training shoe bills high, howmany pairs
  14. rubberdubber

    Java Moss Info

    I have just ordered moss balls nightlit. ebay item Item number: 290084308088
  15. rubberdubber

    Battle Of The Sexes

    I didnt know, never mindlucky I didnt start a poll on whos the best.
  16. rubberdubber

    Battle Of The Sexes

    Killi, what is the fish in your pic? looks really nice.
  17. rubberdubber

    Battle Of The Sexes

    Glad you are with a name like that
  18. rubberdubber

    Battle Of The Sexes

    Not trying to start a fight but I have only been a member for a few days and I am very supprised at the number of female members!!! Is it just that they dont mind asking the questions? Do us boys get a little worried about looking stupid? In all the local stores lady staff are well outnumbered...
  19. rubberdubber

    Sand Vs Gravel (posts Appreciated)

    I use sand as I like bottom dwellers and have read that they can damage their barbles if coarse gravel is used. the sand does look nice and the plants do root better, but I have to agree that cleaning it can be a fiddle.
  20. rubberdubber

    Will Different Breeds Of Cory's School Together?

    I have 2 bronze, 2 peppered, 2 clown loaches, all will only stay in their own pairs. perhaps they use a different language and dont understand each other. :lol:
  21. rubberdubber

    Food Question

    I have bought brine shrimp eggs off ebay. only paid £1 for 10g, and that is alot of eggs. I put them in a 2l coke bottle, then made two small holes in the top for air tubing. put a piece of tube from pump into the bottom of the bottle and routed another out of the other hole as a vent (just...
  22. rubberdubber

    Fish Website!

    Well done, looking good so far, May be a good idea to keep posting reminders and asking for other info and pics off other members. I wish I could get the hange of web site building. :good:
  23. rubberdubber

    Please Help Me To Understand....

    I posted the other day asking how to clear cloudy water after I added a nice piece of bog wood. just found a cure that really I should have thought of. I use a fluval 4+ filter and when I added a carbon filter to it only yesterday the water has got much clearer in just one day :hyper: I have...
  24. rubberdubber

    Hello Guys

    Sorry, but I am one of those people who would much prefere to see an ordinary looking goldfish. I just think that everything should look natural, I dont like castles or plastic plant even in my tank. Please note this is only my opinion and I know that there are many others that go for fancy fish...
  25. rubberdubber

    New Guppies! Xxxxx

    I bought 5 females and 2 blue males about a month ago, and thought that all the girls were pregnant. after reading that that they give birth every three to four weeks I now know that they werent. But they realy are now getting very fat and the spot is very large and black the bodies have doubled...
  26. rubberdubber

    Shrip Help

    Thank you all for the advice, as this tank is only a couple of months old I think that I will wait a bit longer then look again. :good:
  27. rubberdubber

    Shrip Help

    Can anyone give me some advice, I have 4 ft tropical tank with community fish (guppies, cory, clown loach, dwarf gourami, rummy nose). I have been thinking of shrimp of some kind to add something different, but I dont want anything to big, or that may harm any other fish or plants or become...
  28. rubberdubber

    Cloudy Water

    Does anyone have any ideas how I can reduce my cloudy water, I know what is causing it and I have read that is not a problem, it is a piece of bogwood that I added. I washed it first in rain water, submerged it an a bucket for a few days then put it in the tank. I have seen a chemical to add...
  29. rubberdubber

    Posting Fish

    Heres a good one, I was looking at a web site offering postage of fish, and my wife asked how they can do it. what fun I had for a day or two telling her that as the packets would get too wet they can put the fish in suspension in a special jelly, then when it is put in the tank the jelly...
  30. rubberdubber

    Caves Material

    I went to my local garden centre and bought one large piece of slate which was only £2.99, went home and smashed it to pieces with a sledge hammer (watch your eyes for sharp bits) then arranged them in the bottom of the tank to make the caves, then covered the "caves" with aquqtic sand. cheap...
  31. rubberdubber

    Born Again Fish Boy

    Hello all, introducing myself, I have just set up a new tank in last six weeks, after about 6 year break when I just did not have room at my old house. Very pleased with the tank a 4 ft set up that I have a fluval 4+, two 38w tubes, and well planted. only interested in community fish as I like...