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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. M

    Zebra Nerite Snails And Assassin Snails

    I have had assassin snails with my nerite snails for at least 2 years with no problems. I have 5 zebra nerite snails and at least 20 assassin snails, they have reproduced over the years. Mine will eat malaysian trumpet snails and their favorite ramshorn snails, they also feed on the leftover...
  2. M

    Should I Get Another Frog? & Food Question

    I am an african dwarf frog addict. I have 8 in a 29 gallon tank. I feed mine various frozen foods. They enjoy plankton, chopped up krill,mysys shrimp, brine shrimp, a mixture of daphnia watercrest bloodworm and other. I also feed them frozen turtle food which isa mixture if greens and...
  3. M

    African Dwarf Frog Has An Oto In His Mouth

    Thank you for the advise.  I tried netting it out and leaving the oto in the water and the frog out of it but the frog woud not let go.  I pulled gently on both trying to pry it out but no luck so I went to bed and when I woke up this morning they were both dead.  The frog still had the tip of...
  4. M

    African Dwarf Frog Has An Oto In His Mouth

    I have a 29 gallon tank with 8 african dwarf frogs and 2 otos.  They have been to gether for close to a year without any issues, until today.  My male african dwarf frog has the tip of the otos head in his mouth and will not let go.  The oto is still alive and freaking out but the frog will not...
  5. M

    Orange Mexican Dwarf Crayfish

    Thank you very much.  I will wait for the to get bigger and seperate the females and put them in the 25 gallon tank .  I will keep 2 males in the 20 gallon tank and find homes for the rest(hoping I get a lot of females and few males)
  6. M

    Orange Mexican Dwarf Crayfish

    My couple of CPO's has babies and there are at least 15 that have made it and are growing.  They are in a 20 gallons tall tank with lots of hideys but I was wondering if anyone knew how many I can keep once full grown in my 20 gallons tank .  How many could I keep in a 25 long gallon tank?  ...
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  9. M

    African Dwarf Frog Spawn

    Thank you for the help identifying my plant
  10. M

    African Dwarf Frog Spawn

    I believe one kind is Hydrocotyle leucocephala but I have no clue for the other( it may be Ceratophyllum demersum).  I was told at my petshop that I could let both of these plants float so I bought them.  I also got some duckweed  by accident that has spread and hat I remove handfuls on a...
  11. M

    African Dwarf Frog Spawn

      Here are some pics of  my tadpole and some of the baby frog(has been a frog for a few weeks now. It has grown it was only 1 cm when first morphed into a frog)  The female in the pic with it floating in the plants is at least 3 years old, it was given to me.  I have 5 females and 2 males.  They...
  12. baby and old mama.jpg

    baby and old mama.jpg

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    baby with old frog.jpg

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    tadpole pic 2.jpg

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  17. M

    African Dwarf Frog Spawn

    This is a picture of my plants and some spawn from my frogs.  Hope the picture dowloads.
  18. frog plants and spawn.jpg

    frog plants and spawn.jpg

  19. M

    African Dwarf Frog Spawn

    mine are usually on the floating plants and some stuck to bottom plants but it is usually the ones at the top that turn into little c shaped tadpoles. 
  20. M

    African Dwarf Frog Spawn

    My frogs lay some white eggs and some brown... I have no clue which ones are fertilized but I have had one survive and become a frog and have another tadpole that has hind legs growing. They both seem to be eating the new spawn. The little frog is only 1.5 cm long and so cute. My tank is...
  21. M

    Electric Blue Crayfish! (Procambarus Clarkii)

    I think you should be able to put another P. Clarkii in a 40 gallon tank with lost of hiding places. I only have one it is an orange one and my son named it Lobzilla. It is in a 25 gallon tank with 3 feeder fish, 2 guppies and a platy,from the petshop. We though he would eat them but it has...
  22. M

    Adf Tank Mates - Shrimp?

    My tank is heavily planted and my 7 adf have not seemed to bother any of my shrimp. I have had them together for over a year and still have my 5 amano shrimp and at least 15 cherry shrimps. They may be eating the baby shrimp as i do not see many.
  23. M

    Questions On Dwarf Crayfish Cpo

    Thank you for the information. I will be getting a new tank to move my bristlenose too. The petshop said it wouls be fine as my bristlenose is 3 times their size but i will not chance it seeing how one had no trouble attacking back my betta.
  24. M

    Questions On Dwarf Crayfish Cpo

    My boyfriend bought me 2 beautiful orange dwarf crayfish.  They are presently in a 10 gallon tank.  The petshop told him they would be ok to put in with my betta and bristlenose.  They were wrong.  My betta went to attack the dwarf crayfish who in turn got a hold of his tail.  I took the betta...
  25. M

    2 Adf With A Betta?

    I have 8 adf in a 25 gallons tank and had to temporarily put my betta in with them for a week.  The frogs got plenty of food  as they are all fat pigs but would accidently nip and grab a hold of the poor betta who would then flare at them all the time.  They are now seperated and my betta is...
  26. M

    Hermit Crabs

    I love hermit crabs. I use to have 27, mostly E,s with only 4 PPs in a 120 gallon tank but had to rehome them with the tank when we moved. I know have a 65 gallons tank with 9 PPs and 2 Es which are all rescues. I find them so addictive and interesting. I would love straws but I amtoo afraid...
  27. M

    Assassin & Zebra Nerite Snails?

    I have had my nerite zebra snail in so th all my assassin snails for over a year now as the petshop told me it wouls be fine.... I have a lot of other snails in the tank and my assassins snails eat the left over food from my dwarf frogs.
  28. M

    African Dwarf Frogs - One Has Weird Rear Feets, Something Wrong?

    As long as it is eating and can swim up for air I would not worry. How deep is your water in your tank?  If ever he has trouble swimming up for air you may lower it some to help it out:)  Hope all is going well.
  29. M

    What Pets Do You Have?

    I wish I had as many pets as most of you as growing up I had a dog: Baby, 2 cats: FLuffy and Casper, 14 gerbils, 2 turtles and a rabbit.  I loved animals but since having my son I am allergic to all furry pets and my son is severely allergic to them so we now have 5 african dwarf frogs, 10...
  30. M

    African Clawed Frog Questions

    Hi, I kept a couple of african clawed frogs one summer(they were the kindergarten class pet). I kept the bottom bare just to be safe and ensure they could not get impacted. I did a 25% water change once a week, sometimes a bit more if my kids had overfed them with crickets. I used a vacuum...
  31. M

    Betta With Shrimp?

    I had always kept my other betta with amano and ghost shrimp and he never bugged them but my new one killed 3 amano shrimps and 3 cherry shrimp in an evening. I cannot put anything with him except for snails. It is always good to have a back up tank. I saw this new betta chase a shrimp and...
  32. M

    African Clawed Frog?

    You can feed them male crickets(without the female egg laying part) and krill as well. Mine loved hunting the crickets:) Much easier to catch them the ghost shrimp.
  33. M

    Is Eco Earth Safe For Red Clawed Crab

    I was wondering if it was safe to ecoearth instead of sand for the land area with red clawed crabs. I use it with my land hermit crabs and all molt very well eve my Es(compressus). Thnak you
  34. M

    Need Info On Red Clawed Crab

    So basically a lot of the same requirements as land hermit crabs:)too bad they are not compatible. I have the marine salt but I will have too get something to mesure the salinity to make sure I get it right. I wish the petstores would know more about the animals they sale....They have the red...
  35. M

    Need Info On Red Clawed Crab

    So far the crab has been hiding or goes on top of the log to dry off. It ignores the other living creatures except for the ghost shrimp but they quikly get away from it. I will seperate it from my betta tonight as I do not want to wait for something to happen we have had the betta for 3 years...
  36. M

    Need Info On Red Clawed Crab

    My boyfriend just bought me a red clawed crab. The petshop told him they were fresh water crabs and assured him that I could put them in my tank with my apple snail, nerite snail, betta and amano shrimp. As I do not trust petshops I have been searching for info on the web. Most recommend...
  37. M

    Hermit Crabs

    You can check out and They are wonderful forums that will provide you with lots of info on land hermit crabs. I am addicted, I have a 65 gallons tank with 11 land hermit crabs(5 purple pincers and 6 compressus) I have a glass lid on it...
  38. M

    Bloated African Clawed Frog

    How is your frog...I would really like to know what you tried and if it worked as I am frog sitting the school frogs again and the female is bloated and not as active as usual. the teacher says she had been this way for months. she is still eating but is huge(belly only swollen).. Hope your frog...
  39. M

    African Clawed Frogs

    Very nice site, I love the picks of your ACFs:)
  40. M

    Acf Gender?

    I have only had the albino kind. They breed very easily. I took care of the school albino ACF and they laid eggs. we only kept a few(I only wanted 2 or 3) but the tadpoles were so small we ended up with 8 that all survived. It is very easy to see the dirty hands. I hope you enjoy yours:)