African Dwarf Frog Has An Oto In His Mouth

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Jun 15, 2009
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I have a 29 gallon tank with 8 african dwarf frogs and 2 otos.  They have been to gether for close to a year without any issues, until today.  My male african dwarf frog has the tip of the otos head in his mouth and will not let go.  The oto is still alive and freaking out but the frog will not let go eventhough it is too big for his mouth.  He has had it in his mouth for the last 3 hours(that is when I noticed it)  I tried holding the frog and gently pulling on the oto but the frog just closes its mouth harder.  I tried tempting the frog with frozen bloodworms and mysis shrimp hoping it would let go but it did not.  Does anyone have any ideas what I can do......  It is horrible to watch as the poor oto only has its nose stuck in the mouth so it can still breath but is really stressed.  any advice would be appreciated.
You might want to wait til someone with more frog experience (I have none) comes along but this is all I can think of.. have someone hold the frog as still as possible and then you try and pry it's mouth open (gently)? :/
I really hope he lets go and sorry you're having to go through this.
African dwarf frogs are tiny frogs how big is the oto? do you have a pic of the two? if it was me I would net the frog and fish and remove them from the water this may encourage the frog to let go other than that I would just wait it out, the frog will tire eventually.
Thank you for the advise.  I tried netting it out and leaving the oto in the water and the frog out of it but the frog woud not let go.  I pulled gently on both trying to pry it out but no luck so I went to bed and when I woke up this morning they were both dead.  The frog still had the tip of the oto in his mouth.  I should have taken a picture but I did not and now it is too late as I disposed of them.  The frog was a small male he could only fit the tip of the oto in his mouth but he was determined he was eating it and died trying instead of letting go.  I think I will move my other oto to the betta tank:( 

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