Bloated African Clawed Frog

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Jan 21, 2010
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I have a bloated ACF, she is currently floating at the top of her cage. She has gone from acting completely normally to bloated and not eating over the last two days and as of today small red ulcer like lesions have appeared on her belly. I recently moved and I'm thinking the stress of transferring her may have weakened her immune system and she has contracted some kind of bacterial infection. She has had similar problems over the past six years I've had her and has gotten better with tetracycline. I'm using reptile/amphibian water conditioner and vitamins as well as tetracycline, but I am wanting to know if there is anything else I should try or any other medications that I should use.

I would also post this thread in the inverts section of the forum.
I know over feeding bloodworms can bloat fish up, same with frogs I think.
Do frogs eat peas.

Ulcers on fish can be bacterial, parasites, bad water quality, viral.

Epson salts help draw the fluids out with bloating.
How is your frog...I would really like to know what you tried and if it worked as I am frog sitting the school frogs again and the female is bloated and not as active as usual. the teacher says she had been this way for months. she is still eating but is huge(belly only swollen).. Hope your frog is doing better.
for bloated ACF - - try looking for a medicine called [font="Arial][size="2"]Maroxy - this works for bloat and dropsy in ACF

good luck and let us know how she makes out!

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