African Clawed Frog Questions

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Fish Fanatic
Nov 5, 2012
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On Sunday im receiving a new aquarium which im going to use to house 2 or 3 African Clawed Frogs (the tank is a Juwel Rio 125). However after spending hours researching these creatures I still have a few questions I need answering;

1. What is the best way to do a water change? Do the frogs need removing from the tank when a water change is done, and how much water needs removing?

2. Will the standard filter in the Rio be ok for frogs or should I invest in an external filter instead? I dont want them to be in an enviroment that is causing them stress (due to too much filter noise).

3. Should I fill the tank all the way to the top or only to around 12"? The tank is around 19" tall and some websites say ACF should only have 12" of water, then other places say more water is better as it gives them room to swim around.

4. I was considering getting small white/blue pieces of gravel, smaller than a pea sized. Would this be ok? I figured if any pieces where swallowed they would be easy to pass if they are smaller.

I kept a couple of african clawed frogs one summer(they were the kindergarten class pet). I kept the bottom bare just to be safe and ensure they could not get impacted. I did a 25% water change once a week, sometimes a bit more if my kids had overfed them with crickets. I used a vacuum like the one I use for my fish tanks and did not remove the frogs as they showed no signs of being afraid. Thay associate us with food and love to eat:) I had them in a 33 gallons tank that I did not fill up to the top, I always left 4-5 inches. I had an internal fluval filter but the class had one that hung on the back and the frogs seemed fine with both. They actually reproduced the summer I kept them. WE only kept a few of the eggs and got 8 frogs from them.

Good luck and enjoy them
On Sunday im receiving a new aquarium which im going to use to house 2 or 3 African Clawed Frogs (the tank is a Juwel Rio 125). However after spending hours researching these creatures I still have a few questions I need answering;

1. What is the best way to do a water change? Do the frogs need removing from the tank when a water change is done, and how much water needs removing? Just use a siphon and suck out water from the bottom as this is where the waste primarily settles. They do not need to be removed, just be watchful.

2. Will the standard filter in the Rio be ok for frogs or should I invest in an external filter instead? I dont want them to be in an enviroment that is causing them stress (due to too much filter noise) The filter noise will not both them. Don't get worked into the hype about the "vibrations feeling like a jack hammer" I have used a ton of different filtration methods and it comes down to what works best for you in your tank set up. Just avoid under gravel filters - they don't work as well in bottom dwelling species tanks.

3. Should I fill the tank all the way to the top or only to around 12"? The tank is around 19" tall and some websites say ACF should only have 12" of water, then other places say more water is better as it gives them room to swim around. I had mine in 22" of water and they did fine. If they are very young (under 1 inch in body) then I would say drop it down a bit but they will be fine. Primarily height restrictions are cautioned for african DWARF frogs, not african CLAWED frogs.

4. I was considering getting small white/blue pieces of gravel, smaller than a pea sized. Would this be ok? I figured if any pieces where swallowed they would be easy to pass if they are smaller. As a newbie to ACF, I would recommend against gravel. Stick to sand or bare bottomed for ease of care and less concern.
I had a 20 gallon with 2 African Clawed Frogs and 2 Albino Clawed Frogs. They lived for 3 years fine till the African Clawed Frogs got to big and eat the Albino clawed frogs. Then I put a crayfish in the tank and it ate the African Clawed Frogs. I had About 10 plants, they loved to hide all the time. They ate anything and were fine with my Aquaclear Filter. I also had the tank full with water.
Albino clawed frogs are the same exact frog as African clawed frogs, just different colorations.
Crayfish and ACF are not compatible, which you found out the hard way.

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