Zebra Nerite Snails And Assassin Snails

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Warning - Mad Cory Woman
Oct 24, 2011
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Does anyone know if an assassin snail will take on a zebra nerite snail? I have two zebra snails  - which I adore but I also have a LOT of malaysian trumpet snails and the population is getting out of control. I'm picking them out by hand and killing them before putting them in the bin but this is becoming tedious.
I was considering getting an assassin snail to do 'the deed' for me but I don't want to risk my nerites. Has anyone kept assassins and nerites together? 
Assassins will take on all snail species, I'm afraid.
yeah, that's what I was worried about. I thought they would but just wanted to double check. Back to picking out mts's by hand then! 
Thanks hun :)
try a snail trap. plenty on ebay. they work well.
ooh never knew you could buy snail traps. I shall go and look. Thank you :D
Ive had assassin snails with nerites, but i guess it a swing and a miss for some people.
that's what worries me Sawickib, if I had 10 replies saying they're fine together then I'd possibly risk it but as you say ... if it's a hit and miss thing it's probably best not to risk it :)
I have had assassin snails with my nerite snails for at least 2 years with no problems. I have 5 zebra nerite snails and at least 20 assassin snails, they have reproduced over the years. Mine will eat malaysian trumpet snails and their favorite ramshorn snails, they also feed on the leftover food from my african dwarf frogs(plankton,krill,shrimp,bloodworms,...) They have never shown interest in my nerite snails.
thank you miatiny. I'm still waiting for more replies before deciding what to do.
I'm currently picking trumpet snails out by hand still and it got boring days ago lol
Hmm, assassins do go for all snail species am afraid.

Though, having said that, nerites and apple snails can get pretty large. Given the choice I think assassins go for the easier targets like ramshorns, pond/common and MTS first. If food is scarce, a group of assassins attacking one large snails is not unheard of :/

A single assassin won't dent the population of mts for ages, two or three would be better but they do breed, albeit much slower than mts and common snails.

As already mentioned, you can buy humane snail traps or you could make a simple diy one with a plastic box with holes or even a bottle. There are a couple of threads somewhere where folks have shown them, or try google search.

Even a simple lettuce leaf is known to work, leave a lettuce leaf in tank overnight, a bunch of snails will be on that, simply take leaf out with snails on it and dispose of, repeat as necessary.
Hi ch4rlie, thanks for that. I have looked at the snail traps online but they seem to rely on some kind of bait and I'm a little worried about adding something unknown to my tank. I think I need to do some more research into them first.
There's a piece of me that wishes I'd never added them in the first place but I'm also aware that they are doing me a favour by moving my sand around and stopped gases from building up. The problem is that they breed so readily and then the population explodes - bit like it's done in my tank just lately. I was thinking one or two assassins would help me keep their numbers down - I don't want to eradicate them completely, I just want to keep them under some control.
If we think 2 assassins would attack the nerites then there's no way I'm going to add them. 
I had heard of the lettuce trick but lettuce isn't something I keep in the house as I'm not a fan. Perhaps I could ask a friend for some or something :)
Almost any vegetable will do for snail bait

I would always put it in some kind of container, as the snails tend to let go if they feel the food move; so you go to pick it up, covered in snails, and then they all drop off!

I do agree with Ch4rlie that assassins will go for all snail species; I've even heard of them taking chunks out of apple snails. I think miatiny has just been very lucky.
thanks fluttermoth. I keep things like cucumber in as the plec likes cucumber. Perhaps I'll get a snail trap and bait it with cucumber 

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