Assassin & Zebra Nerite Snails?

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Fish Herder
Jan 22, 2011
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I was just wondering whether zebra nerite snails and assassin snails can live in the same tank together without any problems?

Thank you!
THe honest answer is that I have never tried it, but I would have thought that the assassin would see the zebra as a banquet. I wouldn't risk it.
yup, but some people have enough feeder snails for the assasin that the nerites wouldnt be botherd
The assassin snail is about half the size of the nitrite snail - does this make any difference?
nope dont think so there called assasins for reasons
Wow! Crazy that they can eat something so much bigger than themselves!
Interesting.  I've been wondering if I could put a normal garden snail in my tank for my assassins to feast on (there are many assassins)... or would that just introduce disease or some such thing.
I've heard that they will even gang up on apple snails, any truth to this? :blink: 
yea apples snails shells are harder so they possibly need more force.
I have had my nerite zebra snail in so th all my assassin snails for over a year now as the petshop told me it wouls be fine.... I have a lot of other snails in the tank and my assassins snails eat the left over food from my dwarf frogs.
It will not be a totally safe combination, but I would guess it would be pretty safe IF the assassins are kept well fed the whole time. Although I've never kept them myself, Assassins (Clea helena) are a fw species belonging to the same Buccinidae family that is frequently seen in the marine side of the hobby where they are used as scavengers to clean up uneaten meaty foods. From what I have seen of assassins, even though they've never been in my tanks, they seem pretty similar to their marine counterparts in terms of both behavior and general anatomy. Buccinid whelks have a proboscis (hard to see; it's kept retracted except when feeding)  that allows them to reach through very small openings to feed, so safety is not guaranteed just because another snail is very large or has a trap door. Although not all Buccinids have the same degree of predatory tendency and many are preferentially scavengers, predation is always a risk with Buccinids if they become desperate enough to hunt more actively. When they want to, Buccinid whelks can take out snails much larger than themselves by just eating away at them slowly. 
I have 2 assassin snails in my tank and also had a fairly large ramshorn snail, bigger than the assassins.

The ramshorn was one of the first to go despite there being quite a few smaller pond snails!

I wanted the ramshorn to stay! Typical really.

So on that basis, would not advise having any snails you want to keep in the same tank as assassins!

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