Betta With Shrimp?

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2009
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I have 1 betta in a 10 us gallon tank. I want to add some 3 red cherry, orange halo, and yellow fire shrimp. Will the betta be aggressive towards them? He's a pansy betta fyi.
If it can fit in the bettas mouth it will eat it I have ghost shrimp and have watched some of the much smaller ones get torn up and eaten the larger ones are left alone
My betta is in with red cherry shrimp and he just watches them poke him with their feelers. I think ultimately it's down to the betta, but I did have a back up plan just in case it didn't work out.

EDIT: Basically it's like everything; just because it works for one person then it doesn't mean it will work for other people.

If you really want to try your betta with shrimp, I suggest that you try one or two and see how they get on.
I had always kept my other betta with amano and ghost shrimp and he never bugged them but my new one killed 3 amano shrimps and 3 cherry shrimp in an evening. I cannot put anything with him except for snails. It is always good to have a back up tank. I saw this new betta chase a shrimp and just shake it in its mouth and this killed the poor shrimp:( I could not understand why my shrimp died un til I saw him as my water parameters where fine.

Good luck and hope all works out for you
I have only kept a betta with amano shrimp before- and they are larger than cherries so I can't tell you for sure. I will probably be trying a male betta with cherries in a few months, but I'm going to be using a heavily planted tank and don't expect many offspring to survive (although I'm hoping that the adults do).

Just another note- the cherries and the yellows will probably interbreed. If they and their offspring survive, they will be a very plain colour and you will dilute your stock quickly. I would pick one or the other (check out the invertebrates section of this forum- I learned a lot about shrimp by asking questions there).
ive always kept cherry shrimp with betta's and there is only one so far that i have witnessed munching on one (to my horror). Since adding a sorority of females to my tank i haven't seen many shrimp - they seem to spend more time hiding under wood
Ok thanks you all. I do have a backup 29 us gallon (with a pleco, kuhli loaches n scissortails) if it gets too bad. But I think Freddie will be cool with them... He picks at snails, but they are the size of his pellets so he does have an excuse i guess. But he seems loving compared to my last betta (every time I walked past Cat, he flared up), so I guess I'll try it.

What about Mandarin Shrimp? The place I'm buying from says they get about an 1 1/2"? It says they'll b between 3/4 and 1 inch upon delivery, will they be ok even if they are that small? Note that I'm also buying new plants (ie micro sword) today for the tank. There is currently about 15 pounds of rock in there too with a few fake plants. Will they have enough places to hide if they need to? I know they will when the plants take hold.

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