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  1. BettaAds

    What Do You Think?

    If unsupervised and improperly done I would agree completely, however I prepared for the move for a long while and took all possible precautions.
  2. BettaAds

    What Do You Think?

    It isn't a no no at all :/ As long as all precautions are taken, and carefully observed. Please try stick to constructive comments, others are really unwanted
  3. BettaAds

    What Do You Think?

    Thanks pal :)
  4. BettaAds

    What Do You Think?

    I have te attached the filter, still need to baffle it though, really not keen on the current, not sure why but it just doesn't seem to be what's best for our bettas :/ I'll work on baffling the filter this week.
  5. BettaAds

    What Do You Think?

    I still have the filter, just turned it off and removed it until I am fully sure of what to do. It's a 48 ltr tank. Only housing female bettas and a male.
  6. BettaAds

    What Do You Think?

    I have been watching how our betta have been getting along.. The only thing I am REALLY not happy with is the filter its creating movement in the tank, there should really be no movement at all for ideal betta conditions. So I took the decision to remove the filter and do more regular water...
  7. BettaAds

    So, So Sad

    Sorry for your loss. Like all things worth doing, there are good moments and sad moments this is one of the latter. All the best.
  8. BettaAds

    Dreaded Dropsy

    From what I can gather, the best thing to do if you wish to attempt to treat for dropsy, is using a broad spectrum antibiotic, seeing as it is more of a symptom than an illness, unless you know the illness (which it would appear isn't the case here) then its a bit of a shot in the dark...
  9. BettaAds

    Have I Overstocked?

    Different fish require different volumes of water. For instance you could have a very small fish that needs a large volume of water to thrive, wheveas you could have a larger fish (such as a betta), that needs far less tank volume to thrive. The needs of each fish differs on species, not on...
  10. BettaAds

    Fish Food That Doesn't Sink(Checked The Newbie Forum)

    Food sinking can also be affected by the current flow of the water, if it is too rough towards the surface it can make the flakes sink prematurely. Take all of this into consideration when buying foods, some are easily disturbed by the current whereas others arn't so easily.
  11. BettaAds

    Temp Changes

    A general rule of thumb is to have 1 Watt per litre of tank capacity, this would suggest to me that the heater you have is fine for the job. The lighting should have no effect on the temperature of the tank, the only thing that "should" affect that is the heater, otherwise you are not in full...
  12. BettaAds

    Never Been So Excited

    Lol sounds like an unusual condition! Glad she relented though :D
  13. BettaAds

    Betta Traits!

    haha sounds amusing :P Niiice, ours does that too (well between the tank side and the filter)! :)
  14. BettaAds

    Betta Traits!

    Haha nice :P They are comical, I can sit and watch hours for hours after work (in-between doing my design work) and they never fail to give me a laugh!
  15. BettaAds

    I Got A Betta Fish And It Died The Next Day

    As onidrase said, its unlikely your betta got sucked up alive. He pretty much summed up ny thoughts on this too. All the same, sorry for your loss.
  16. BettaAds

    Betta Traits!

    What do your betta do that give you the occasional laugh (if anything)? Ours seems to hover around the plec (george) in bewilderment, seemingly trying to work out what he's doing! Also just randomly flaring when we go to feed them!
  17. BettaAds

    Have I Overstocked?

    Personally I think its bad researching before hand to put so many fish of differing varieties in such a small tank. You may have the best intentions but as said above.. never listen to the staff in the certain large chain store, they work with very little knowledge of what they look after/sell...
  18. BettaAds

    Fred Proving To Be Amusing!

    Haha yeah, which is funny, the find shop we got him from insisted he was timid! Personally I think he was over stressed there, kept with fish that really aren't compatible! He is a character though :P How are your new additions doing? :D
  19. BettaAds

    Fred Proving To Be Amusing!

    Ok so... Today my girlfriend opened the tank hatch to feed the fish. Fred sped across the tank from where he was at the other side of the tank and lunged upwards slightly before flaring lol. Bless him! He seems more settled now though!
  20. BettaAds

    Never Been So Excited

    YAYYYY :P can't wait to see the pictures!
  21. BettaAds

    Never Been So Excited

    Draw a few pics for now and bluetac to your tank lol ... or is that a silly idea XD ... Be sure to post plenty pics when they do finally arrive :P
  22. BettaAds

    Never Been So Excited

    I'm fairly sure they will if they're that close :P If they don't arrive today can you not phone your local post office and enquire?
  23. BettaAds


    Personally I use fluval, they do various models that cater for many tanks! Worth a look :)
  24. BettaAds

    Never Been So Excited

    :( hope they arrive soon!
  25. BettaAds

    Just Imagine The Possibilities

    That's awesome... :P wonder what needs doing to it to make it right though. Still.. would make an awesome project!
  26. BettaAds

    Introducing Myself Here

    Hey everyone, I have introduced myself in the betta section already but I thought best to introduce myself here too :P I'm called Adam or Ads (either that you prefer), I keep 2 female bettas, 1 male betta and a plec. My tank setup is a 48 ltr fish box. I put a video and more info in the...
  27. BettaAds

    New Betta Incoming

    He's gorgeous!!
  28. BettaAds

    New Here, Loving My Bettas!

    Yeah, we'll cut the meal times down to twice a day for now and see how they get on, only small amounts per time, and thanks, he is lovely :) Yeah, think I have acquired a smaller second tank as a backup option (hospital tank, backup tank) :)
  29. BettaAds

    Never Been So Excited

    Bet you can't wait :P Can't wait to see pics :P
  30. BettaAds

    New Here, Loving My Bettas!

    Posted a video of my bettas above.. Let me know what you think :P Also, yeah I can imagine they are contagious :P loving them so far and its only getting betta XD
  31. BettaAds

    New Here, Loving My Bettas!

    I will definitely do that! :D This is a video of my current setup and new male (Fred) at the front.
  32. BettaAds

    New Here, Loving My Bettas!

    Thanks Ludwig :D looking forward to meeting more people here! I spend too much of my time building websites for other people and not enough enjoying my own time on the net! My turn :P haha
  33. BettaAds

    New Here, Loving My Bettas!

    Hey everyone, I'm called Adam (or ads, either one)! I'm not new to fish ownership, however I am new to Betta ownership. Me and my other half keep 2 female Betta Splendens (Fiona and Fantasia), 1 Male (fred) and a Plec (George), the tank we have is 48ltr and heated to 82F! The male was...