What Do You Think?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I have been watching how our betta have been getting along..

The only thing I am REALLY not happy with is the filter its creating movement in the tank, there should really be no movement at all for ideal betta conditions.

So I took the decision to remove the filter and do more regular water changes.

Did I make the right decision?
you could put a sponge over the end of the filter outlet. that will reduce the current to a drip
I have an Edge & even on the lowest it creates some movement.
My Betta doesn't seem to mind it a all, in fact sometimes he swims right into where the bubbles form
I personaly think that you should have kept th filter and baffled it, and if I may ask, what other fish do you have and what is the tank size
I still have the filter, just turned it off and removed it until I am fully sure of what to do.

It's a 48 ltr tank.

Only housing female bettas and a male.
I have te attached the filter, still need to baffle it though, really not keen on the current, not sure why but it just doesn't seem to be what's best for our bettas :/

I'll work on baffling the filter this week.
Lol am i the only one to notice you have A MALE in with females?!!!???!!

Thats a big NO NO unless the tank is divided!
It isn't a no no at all :/
As long as all precautions are taken, and carefully observed.

Please try stick to constructive comments, others are really unwanted
I have to agree with Betta ads on this one, as long as you take the right precautions it wil be fine, but usually you would need a good amount of experience to have a tank with make and female bettas work
Really? then I apologise for the comment :/

I only said this because all the infomation I have read about Betta's is that you can keep females together but males have to be on their own due to being aggressive...

But if you make it work then fair play to you B-)
If unsupervised and improperly done I would agree completely, however I prepared for the move for a long while and took all possible precautions.

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