Temp Changes


New Member
Jan 4, 2012
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My 180 litre tank tempture seems to go up and down checked this morning and its only 22oc is this because the lights r off are do i need a bigger heater my heater is set to 26oc n its in the internal filter is the temp changes ok for the tank and fish
How many Watts is you heater rated?
200 watts never a problem before

also i run an external filter from the other end of internal filter so could it be that the water is cooling dwn as it goes through external
Check your heater's calibration, to get 25C on my Juwel 200W, I have to ramp the thermostat knob all the way to maximum.
Have you always had the internal and external filter together? If issue happened recently, then maybe a faulty heater.
I don't think it is the watts, 200W is enough to keep stable temperature.
You said the heater is in the internal filter, then only water from the internal filter will heat up and the water from the external needs to be circulated via the internal in order to heat up.
If you have a spare heater plug it to test.
On my previous tank i did run both but was a different internal filter n heater used to be stuck to glass n had no problems any ideas how to keep a steady temp and run both filters
Is the juwel one?

Approach heaters, especially juwel internal ones, like they haven't got any numbers on. Turn the dial to whatever position it needs to be to get the temperature to what you want. First thing in the morning, it's freezing in my house, but my tank reads 24.5 on the digital thermometer - the heater is set at nearly 30.
Turned heater up to 28ish will it mean that the tank will get to 28 during day or as i run the extenal itll b a steady 25oc ish
Also to get the most accurte reading of the temp weres best place to put the thermomator in the tank
I put my thermometer as far away from the heater as I can - that way I know the temperature is spreading throughout the whole tank.
A general rule of thumb is to have 1 Watt per litre of tank capacity, this would suggest to me that the heater you have is fine for the job.

The lighting should have no effect on the temperature of the tank, the only thing that "should" affect that is the heater, otherwise you are not in full control of the temperature, which is a huge problem for any tropical fish keeper.

I would try to adjust the temper control on the heater, that may prove to be faulty.

All the best.

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