Fred Proving To Be Amusing!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Ok so...
Today my girlfriend opened the tank hatch to feed the fish.

Fred sped across the tank from where he was at the other side of the tank and lunged upwards slightly before flaring lol.

Bless him!

He seems more settled now though!
Haha yeah, which is funny, the find shop we got him from insisted he was timid!
Personally I think he was over stressed there, kept with fish that really aren't compatible!

He is a character though :p

How are your new additions doing? :D
They are all doing great! Sakima is still freaking out over the idea of sharing a tank with mystery snails XD The girls are all doing well, I can already see the pecking order too! Leotie is the Queen Of The Tank, while Aiyana is like her best friend and the second in command! After them comes Lomasi, she's the smallest, but she has some guts. She took food right from Aiyana! Aiyana had bitten it then let go, then Lomasi snaked in and took it! Aiyana looked around for it for a moment then gave up and moved to another piece!

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