So, So Sad

This Old Spouse

TOTM Winner May 2013
Dec 12, 2010
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And to make things worse, it was a pepper that I just discovered about 3 days ago, so somehow it had survived being hatched and living to about 3 months old without being eaten. Just found it stuck to the side of the filter intake.

Sorry for your lose, they are such cute little dears and its sad when they just drop without any obvious reaason :sad: . Hope you still have quite a few other bubs.
I don't have a lot of other peppers, but I do have a lot of bronze, which is why this upset me so much. I really try to coddle the little peppers when I get them, and there just didn't seem to be any reason for this little guy to die. Everybody else is fine.

I had five baby peppered and they were doing well, likewise I hadn't noticed them for months, and two just died suddenly for no cause. Pity.
Sorry for your loss.
Like all things worth doing, there are good moments and sad moments this is one of the latter.

All the best.
Thanks, all. Not that I like to have any fish die, but why is it always my favorites??

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