Search results

  1. P

    Early Plannnig Stage For First Nano Reef

    Yeah I was looking at the HOB filter / refugium conversion on here. Ok I'll do that if you guys think it will really help. Been thinking about a clown fish or a pair as my wee boy loves them... Still researching what other fish I may like / have room for. I also would like to start with some...
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    Early Plannnig Stage For First Nano Reef

    Hi, As I say still very early stages, the reading I've been doing suggests that with enough live rock there's no need for a filter. Obviously I would bow to superior knowledge.
  3. P

    Early Plannnig Stage For First Nano Reef

    Hi All, I'm currently at the very early stages of planning to turn my fresh water tropical tank (110l) in to a nano reef. My current thinking is a reef with fish using only live rock for filtration and a couple of powerheads for circulation & flow. Any stocking plans obviously depend on...
  4. P

    Why Should I Keep Endlers

    After losing most of my fish when my filter crashed I'm now thinking about re-stocking. I've got 6 peppered Corry's, 2 Male Guppy's and a pair of Sword Tails in my 110l tank. So I'm thinking about Endlers... I know I'll have to move the Guppy's. Should I go for them? Cheers.
  5. P

    Evolution Aqua Pure Aquarium Balls

    I've just ordered some of these due to my tank developing a bacterial bloom. I'll post the results on here. andy.
  6. P

    Tank Feasibility?

    Hi I think I have the same tank as you, Juwel Rekord 800. I'm thinking the exact same in changing from a tropical community to Tanganyika. Kiriyama I see your in Scotland. I'm in Glasgow what LFS would you recommend? Cheers
  7. P

    Fluval U3

    I've been running one for a week now with no noise what so ever.
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    Problems With Fluval U1

    I've just had the same issue. Gently rinse and squeeze out your sponge in old tank water and when you put it back in to the filter make sure it's not packed too tightly at the bottom.
  9. P

    Fluval U1 Filter

    Ok fixed it :) I'm using 50% mature sponge taken from another filter and 50% new. Turns out after my last rinse I wedged the sponges to tight and close to the inlet from the impeller. All flow and bubbles now. :good:
  10. P

    What's The Best Ligt For Kribs

    They are an established pair that I've had for about 6 months or so, but I've recently moved them to a new tank on their own after they nearly wiped out my community tank. I'll give them another few weeks to see what happens.
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    Fluval U1 Filter

    Thanks for the reply, It's only been running for a month (with mature sponges) and I gave them a wee squeeze last week. I'll spend a bit more time on it during next W/C on Monday.
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    What's The Best Ligt For Kribs

    Hi, Could someone please tell me what colour temp of light best shows off the kribs colours? Currently i have a t8 daylight tube but the fish look quite pale.
  13. P

    Fluval U1 Filter

    Hi, I've had one of these running in a little 50l tank but recently it's stopped creating bubbles. I know this isn't essential to a healthy tank but does anyone know what could be causing this? Cheers.
  14. P

    Krib Fry

    Hey, thanks for the reply. The fry are in my community tank, I'm guessing if I put in some crushed flake they will get their share?
  15. P

    Krib Fry

    My light just came on just 5 minutes ago and I'm now in the club to :hyper: . It's a magical sight watching the parents look after the fry. I have 1 question though. I've read that you feed the fry newly hatched brine shrimp, would that be available frozen from my LFS? Also how do I feed? is...
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    Kribensis Mating

    I have 2 Females and 1 Male at the moment, I'm hoping the Male takes a fancy to one of them. I love these fish the colour on them are really striking.
  17. P

    Tell Me About Sand...

    Just use the hose pipe bit of your vac and syphon the detris out keeping the end of the tube about an inch away from the sand. You soon get the hang of it.
  18. P

    Question About Sand

    Yip agreed. I used a small kitchen basin and washed my sand in batches. It can sometime look as if your washing away good sand but don't worry your not.
  19. P

    Missing Neon Tetra

    I had a Cory go missing on me a while back, I never did find any remains...
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    Why Does My Filter Take So Long To Come Back On After Being Off

    Have you tried the fuse in the plug?
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    I put mine in the kitchen sink and filled it with boiling water from the kettle let it soak for 20 mins drain it and repeat 3 or 4 times after which it went into the tank. No water staining occured.
  22. P

    Why Does My Filter Take So Long To Come Back On After Being Off

    I have a Juwel interal filter and that does the same. sometimes takes about 20" or so to kick in.
  23. P

    Do You Go 'bare-Hand' Into Your Aquarium?

    Bare handed for me but I wash my hands and arms with anti bac soap afterwards.
  24. P

    Nitrite Spike And I'm So Happy!

    Currently doing a fish in cycle (I know, I know) and today I got my first nitrite spike after 8 weeks!!!! I had lots of problems with PH constantly crashing due to having soft tapwater and using sand as a substrate so there was no buffer. Now after a couple of weeks by adding ocean rock piece by...
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    Real Or Fake Plants...?

    Cheers for the help mate. I'll look into reflectors.
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    Real Or Fake Plants...?

    Sorry to Hi-Jack the thread but I too have been thinking about this. I have a Juwel Rekord 800 tank which is 110l I think and has 2x 18watt tubes over it. Would I get away without CO2?
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    Will Water Changes Help My Low Ph Problem?

    Thanks for the response Oldman. So I should use crushed coral or something similar then. How do I know how much to use? or is it trial and error? Cheers.
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    What Food?

    Many thanks for your advice guys. I'll try some of the things you've mentioned. Might get some Blood Worms later today.
  29. P

    What Food?

    Hi There, I have 2 peppered cory's and 2 bronze. I was recommended catfish pellets for them to eat but they totally ignore them even when my platy's have broken them up a bit. They are eating the flake that reaches the bottom. I'm just looking for some advice as to what else they might like...
  30. P

    Will Water Changes Help My Low Ph Problem?

    Sorry. Could someone please explain why using Bicarb with fish is not recommended. I live in Scotland and therefor have "soft" tap water.
  31. P

    Sand Or Gravel Substrate?

    Ahhh! That's where I've gone wrong. I've been using the gravel vac attachment and wondering why most of the poo was just swirling around it and not actually going up it. Will try tonight with that removed. Cheers.
  32. P

    Sand Or Gravel Substrate?

    Could someone please recommend me a Vac for sand avaliable in the UK Many thanks
  33. P

    Hi From Sunny Glasgow

    Hi all, I thought I should sign up after lurking about for a couple of weeks. I'm waiting to take delivery of my new 110l tank today and can't wait to get started. I haven't kept fish since I was a young teenager so it's almost like being a complete novice again. No doubt I'll be on soon enough...