Missing Neon Tetra


Fish Fanatic
Mar 27, 2011
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Hi all,

I have a 60 litre tank, fully cycled and healthy, been running about 5 months.

In the tank are 2 danios, 2 platys, 3 Neon tetras (used to be 4.. until last night)

I added 4 assorted mollies two days ago, all seem peaceful.

I couldn't see one of the neon tetras at all last night, I pulled the tank out and searched everywhere, but no sign... could he have been eaten?

What to do?

I was going to do my weekly bucket outtake and gravel clean tonight and hope to find it but it has completely vanished
Is it dead and stuck in the filter or anything? In a plant or decoration?

My shrimp tend to eat my dead fish :unsure:. Maybe you will find him when you do your water change :good:
I had exactly the same problem o_O what is it with neons lately? I had 5 neon tetras, in the space maximum 8 hours (from me going to work to getting home) one of them had disappeared. I had the tank out, all decorations, all plants, poked about in th gravel, I even took the filter apart - no fish, no bones, nothing at all! I now call them neon piranahs! So if my 4 tetras can demolish a body (bones n all) then your 3 tetras plus your 4 other fish certainly could.
It is a known fact that neons dissapear, happened to me loads
ya neons for me always died overnight on the same day i bought them
I've had these tetras for maybe 3 months and never an issue until I added the mollies
Ive experience bully mollys, could well be, but I doubt it would have eaten it completely
One of my Embers has disappeared in by Betta tank. I've just assumed he died and my Betta had a snack!
probably, one of my cardinal tetras disappeared recently and I looked everywhere for him

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