Tank Feasibility?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score
Doncaster, UK
Hi all.
I am getting quite interested in the african cichlid world and am considering getting a large tank for my current stock of fish (tiger barbs, clown loaches, plec, rtbs etc) and using my existing cycled 110 litre juwel tank for a small african cichlid setup.

I have attached a photo here.
tff new sig.jpg

I have 2 pieces of bogwood centrally located with a mixture of amazon swords, cabomba and straight vallis in the background and sides. it has a dark sand substrate. is this tank ok to use as a small african cichlid setup as it is or do I need something larger.
your thoughts and comments would be appreciated.
many thanks in advance
Hi, I don't know the tank but guessing about 30" long?
I would say to small for Malawi tank but you could have a nice little Tanganyika display in there, not as colourful but behaviour more interesting. . . :good:
exLamprologus multifasciatus - small shell dweller wil peacefully breed and make small colony :good:
Julidochromis dickfeldi - a pair of these will use a stack of rocks at the opppsite end of the tank. . . .
if you wanted a more open look there anre a few of the smaller snd shifters that would use the sapce, a small rockpile in one corner with a couple of shells and you could probaby have exLamprologus caudopuntatus,
you don't want to over stock with Tanganyikan cichlids so best pick a shell dweller and a rock dweller and give them an area each, you will be much rewarded for your efforts :good:
Cheers, Sean
it is 32" long so you were not far off. many thanks for your thoughts and the advice is appreciated.
Hi I think I have the same tank as you, Juwel Rekord 800.
I'm thinking the exact same in changing from a tropical community to Tanganyika.
Kiriyama I see your in Scotland. I'm in Glasgow what LFS would you recommend?


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