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  1. omega59

    Pets At Home Tanks

    Hi, Vinager should do it. I wouldnt use WD40 that stuff is poison. There are tools you can also use for removing algea they are scrapers that are flat but sharp. Give it a go. Also be carefull not to scratch even glass can and you'll end up with little nicks and lines. gl!
  2. omega59

    How Many Mollies In A 10 Gallon?

    How about something different. Shrimp,Snails, plants these kinda things :)
  3. omega59

    Severly Bloated Betta, Please Help!

    Sorry, it is dropsy.. usually at this stage it will pass away. I have gone through treatments various methods myself over the years, the end result was death. The organs fail once they are pine-coned. I believe dropsy is due to bad water quality and diet at least it is what I understood from...
  4. omega59

    Bolivian Rams Going Up And Down Tank Walls

    Sometimes it could be something bothering their body causing them to scoot, maybe Ich or Flukes?
  5. omega59

    Mr Stumps' Road To Recovery

    Poor thing, how did he make out?
  6. omega59

    Fluval Edge 46L Or Aqueno Evolve 8

    I will take that into consideration. I haven't been able to take the plunge yet and buy it, because the shop here did not carry it :(
  7. omega59

    Fluval Edge 46L Or Aqueno Evolve 8

    thank you. i will look for it at my LFS,
  8. omega59

    Fluval Edge 46L Or Aqueno Evolve 8

    Sounds great! What type of fish stock can be placed? I was wishing to add some Endler's and Balloon Mollies. But if they breed too much I may have to select another type of fish.
  9. omega59

    Fluval Edge 46L Or Aqueno Evolve 8

    ahh okay everything i googled didn't show one thanks! Now to see where I can get it affordable in range. Will have a look at my LFS.
  10. omega59

    Fluval Edge 46L Or Aqueno Evolve 8

    Just as I suspected I read that the Aqueno although is 8gallons, the filter makes it more of a 6? Also, do you guys replace the filter or use those blue slide-in pads it comes with? I also don't see a top cover for this
  11. omega59

    Fluval Edge 46L Or Aqueno Evolve 8

    Hi, Wondering what everyone's opinion on these two tanks. The Edge has a small opening which makes it hard to clean that is my only concern with that one. The Evolve 8 people were saying that flow of the filter is way to strong. But how about the rest of it? Which tank would you get?   Evolve 8...
  12. omega59

    My New Tank

    Its still in his imagination wishing for a tank :) lol.
  13. omega59

    Le Heavy Planted Shrimp Tank

    Looks great... but the dirty water would drive me crazy LOL.
  14. omega59

    Long Winded 8 Ft Tank Thread

    HOLY! beautiful! How much did all of this cost you? :D
  15. omega59

    3Rd Tank Finished

    Looks lovely! what type of plants were used to make the tree and the ground? and is that the Fluval Edge 10gal?
  16. omega59

    3Rd Tank Finished

    Another great tank you have sir. I have the Fluval Chi it is tall 5 gallon. But I recently closed it down because I just don't have the time for it anymore. Wish I did I miss my Betta :-(
  17. omega59

    Second Tank Up And Running !

    your aquarium is very pretty and clean! You angels are stunning and healthy looking so are the plants. Maybe your next project is to breed your angels? :D
  18. omega59

    Dart Frogs In Aquarium?

    oh WOW they are beautiful! atm I have not started anything due to being busy with a work change :( I want to get one going tho really soon.
  19. omega59

    My Paintings

    damn that is great work! do you work on commission?
  20. omega59

    My Booyyysss

    Looking nice!
  21. omega59

    New Girls!

    They are stunning congrats!
  22. omega59

    Betta Has Dropsy?

    Last week or so my male Betta had to be put down by euthanize in boiled water. He too developed Dropsy and was eating swimming fine till one day he sat below breathing very shallow. About 3-5 days after i put my new female Betta in, so far things are good. I believe it is due to bad water...
  23. omega59

    New Female

    I enjoy taking care of their tanks and making sure they are good. But often fish come-in already with illness and treatment sometimes fails. Betta's are simple and easy to maintain you should do well.
  24. omega59

    New Female

    This evening i got a new Betta. My boy passed away a few days ago from dropsy so here is my new one. My camera really doesn't show her colour at all She kinda looks like this But I am not sure if it's a halfmoon or vail tail.. or maybe it's a male LOL! ANyhow she/he is really active...
  25. omega59

    Epsom Salt Cures

    I had to put him down yesterday evening. he remained below breathing slowly and when i went to swoosh the water lightly, he just spun up like a feather. Tomorrow I will be goes to the lfs, and if they have nothing that interest me, i may just get another Betta.
  26. omega59

    Bettas Lips Falling Off

    Void, how is that helping him??
  27. omega59

    Epsom Salt Cures

    is 1 tablespoon per-gallon a right way to measure the amount of Epsom Salt?
  28. omega59

    Epsom Salt Cures

    I am still not sure myself what to do atm.
  29. omega59

    Epsom Salt Cures

    Hi, I made a post a while ago about my Betta not doing so well. I've been keeping an eye on him even did some medication rounds with Tetra Fungus Guard for Dropsy. I have been also keeping an eye on the water quality running it through tests kits and everything is good so far. So the medication...
  30. omega59

    When To Add Fish Again

    My current fish isn't doing to well even after rounds of treatment for Dropsy. When he passes how long should I generally wait before adding any new fish to the 5gal tank? Also, should i clean out the gravil and start fresh bare?
  31. omega59

    Betta Plants

    terryyoung, thank you was a lot of help.
  32. omega59

    Betta Plants

    So having this one large one spread out on the entire tank should be okay?
  33. omega59

    Betta Plants

    Do Betta's like/want a lot of plants? I currently have a large silk plant in my 5gal chi and it is VERY full from it. Do they like this or should i remove this plant?
  34. omega59

    Dart Frogs In Aquarium?

    grayshark1956, wow sounds like you made a Utopia home for your frogs I bet they are very happy. how do you clean your water and land etc? btw; I'd love to see a pic of your setup :D
  35. omega59

    Dwarf Neon Puffers

    Hi all. I was just wondering where in Canada, Vaughan, Ontario I can find these guys?? :-)
  36. omega59

    Dart Frogs In Aquarium?

    Oh Okay, thanks for the links too :)
  37. omega59

    Dart Frogs In Aquarium?

    Hi, Is it possible and or good idea, to keep these dart frogs in a 5gallon aquarium instead of terrarium cage? I was thinking of getting a pair of dart frogs in a fluval chi tank which is 5 gallons. Any links about keeping these guys would be cool too, thanks!
  38. omega59

    Dropsy And Salt

    I got the tetra fungus guard medication and started it. He has the early stages of Dropsy from the guide i followed online to diagnose a fish illness.
  39. omega59


    Just change the water every day 50% and test it with a kit.