Bettas Lips Falling Off


Fish Crazy
Dec 11, 2012
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West Devon
Well thats what it looks like. One of my females has a nasty red bit on her mouth. Any Ideas?
I have done 30% water change for the last 4 days and am treating with Myaxin.
Not a great picture I will try to get another one later
Can you answer me these questions please?

Tank Size:
What Other Fish:
Live Plants:
Anything new within the last month:

If I've missed anything someone will be along to correct me but these are the ones I really need answers to to help you :)
60 ltrs tank, 5 female bettas, 3 rumy nose tetras, 2 black neon tetras, 1 neon tetra and 1 ghost shrimp. Temp 24. PH 7. Java ferns, Anubias, Angel hair grass moss balls other plants I dont know the name of. Water stats I dont know, I get them checked for a pound at lfs (not open sundays). As for changes I removed an aggressive female back to lfs, replaced her with young female crown tail. She was doing white stringy poo didnt eat and died within 2 days. Noticed signs of fin rot and started treating with water changes and myaxin 4 days ago. I dont know if it is clear(well I know its not) but you can sort of see her bottom lip is split in two. There is some doubt in my mind that she is actually female, however she is totaly non aggresive. This was not the case before I removed the aggresive female, my oldest betta, who was, I am 99% sure a plakat male. These two were rivals for tank domination, since the aggesor was removed she has calmed right down, the lips happened in the last 4 days starting off as a red spot. She is feeding and acting normally.
How long have you had your tank. Did you do a fishless cycle? The white stringy poo sounds like bloat. What is your ammonia levels like. Bettas should be in a species only tank. Buy a test kit !!!!!
Is it possible to get it to flare with a mirror as f it's male it ideally needs removing. Do you have a phot of the other female you took back as some females can be total nightmares... I know earlier in the year CT females were bringing in diseases that were killing a lot of peoples other female betta's so everyone stopped buying them.

Bettas should be in a species only tank.

No they shouldn't...
Is it possible to get it to flare with a mirror as f it's male it ideally needs removing. Do you have a phot of the other female you took back as some females can be total nightmares... I know earlier in the year CT females were bringing in diseases that were killing a lot of peoples other female betta's so everyone stopped buying them.

Bettas should be in a species only tank.

No they shouldn't...
Bettas are territorial and aggresive and why would you make them stress them with mirror. That's just cruel. If he wants to flare and show off he will do it on his own or when spawning.
Is it possible to get it to flare with a mirror as f it's male it ideally needs removing. Do you have a phot of the other female you took back as some females can be total nightmares... I know earlier in the year CT females were bringing in diseases that were killing a lot of peoples other female betta's so everyone stopped buying them.

Bettas should be in a species only tank.

No they shouldn't...
Bettas are territorial and aggresive

They are not that bad... They don't have to be kept alone. I'll admit some males can be really aggressive and have to be kept alone but as long as their is at least 5 females they can be kept with other fish as they keep the aggression between them. Trust me, I've kept and bred betta's,.

The only true way to tell a short finned male from a female it to get him to flare which involves showing him his reflection. You can try going by fins but it's not always 100% accurate. It does not stress them out to flare at a mirror as they are just trying to show they are dominant which is exactly what he'd be doing if he flared at another fish(assuming it is male), he'd be trying to show dominance. So listen to me when I say, they do not need keeping alone. They do not stress unless you have the mirror against the tank constantly. Getting them to flare at a mirror is a proper breeders way of checking their fins and making sure they are male before selling them.
I can walk into the room and my betta flares. He's happy to see me, he's a proud fish. I've had him for quite a while he's just a show off. I got him a table tennis ball and he loves batting it around.never used a mirror and I don't intend to.good food and play is all he needs.
The tank, in its current state, has been running since feb. Before that it had different fish in it. Why would I buy a test kit for loads when I can get it tested for a quid and get advice for free at he same time, along with a stern telling off and a list of things to do if the levels are wrong. My wife thinks I take more care of these fish than I do my kids, I dont, so it isnt out of ignorance and stupidity that she has got this way. All my females flare at each other from time to time normally after feeding, the only change in behaviour is they have all taken to hiding, apart from the youngest, since the aggresive fish was removed. This is a picture of the fish that was removed. And this is there tank. Has this anything to do with the fin rot?
The tank, in its current state, has been running since feb. Before that it had different fish in it. Why would I buy a test kit for loads when I can get it tested for a quid and get advice for free at he same time, along with a stern telling off and a list of things to do if the levels are wrong. My wife thinks I take more care of these fish than I do my kids, I dont, so it isnt out of ignorance and stupidity that she has got this way. All my females flare at each other from time to time normally after feeding, the only change in behaviour is they have all taken to hiding, apart from the youngest, since the aggresive fish was removed. This is a picture of the fish that was removed. And this is there tank. Has this anything to do with the fin rot?

From the looks of it the fish you took back was a Male Plakat so good thinking there
If you get the ill one to flare does s/he have a full beard or is it just the sides of it's face where the gills are?
Not right for fin rot but you have the right number of girls, you could add a few more and other than a few days of imbalance where they sort a new dominance rank(hierachy) out they'd be fine. It sounds like she may have had a fight with another female but she should be OK. If she get's worse then be sure to let us all know so we can try and find out if it's something different.

OK Malawaifan do you know what Flaring is? It is the males trying to show that they are the bigger more dominant male. So your fish is trying to be dominant over you. They do not flare when they are happy to see someone, they flare when they want to be the most dominant.
Shes not interested in the mirror, must be a bloke then! , however the other girls were. Maybe shes to sick to care. She has very long pectoral fins as well and no visible egg spot, the only reason she is still in there is she is no trouble and gets on fine with the other girls. Here is another picture and one of the dead crown tail. Bloat? you only get that if you eat, weedy and interbred more like, whats wrong with the human race? This fish was never meant to be and now she has infected my girls with who knows what ! Thankyou paradise<3, my male, in another tank is loving the mirror right now! t

Here's a very unhappy betta

Got him from a a very poor lfs in a bad state.
u really need to buy a proper test kit anythng for a quid is not sounds to me that you haven't really researched your fish very well

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