Betta Plants


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2007
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Do Betta's like/want a lot of plants? I currently have a large silk plant in my 5gal chi and it is VERY full from it. Do they like this or should i remove this plant?
In my experience betta love plants, especially broad leaf plants as they will actually nestle down on a leaf and sleep and rest there.
So having this one large one spread out on the entire tank should be okay?
It should as long as it doesn't cause other problems like traping detritus or causing low oxygen spots in the tank. But as far as the fish is concerned he doesn't mind swiming in and out of the leaves and stems. Betta are not open water swimmers. Rather they would live among reeds and plants in relatively still waters.
i would recomend a plant with nice big leaves looking towards the surface, they love it!
Yes, I like those big leaves plants for my bettas and they too seem to enjoy swimming and hiding among the leaves. I came across a website that shares the popular plants for betta fish. I learnt quite a fair bit from the information there and I hope that you will find the information there helpful too.
terryyoung, thank you was a lot of help.

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