How Many Mollies In A 10 Gallon?

Mebbe like 7-10 depending on how much you like waterchanges. Make sure they're all guys if you don't want to fluff about with fry. :)

If you're fishless cycled properly you can add them all at once.
I agree with the tank being too small for mollies. Neon green rasboras and peacock gudgeons are more fish that go in there but if you're limited to Petsmart/Petco then I don't think you could find them.
A bunch of male guppies like you're getting should make for a very active and beautifully colored tank. It's good that your water is hard since that is better for them.
Be sure to do a fish-less cycle following the 'Cycling A Tank' article at the top of the page. Please post pics!
Pygmy cories for bottom dwellers and chili rasboras for top schoolers :D
Guppies would be great! I would just do males so they don't breed, I started with 6 guppies in a ten gallon (male and female) and the population tripled in a month. I have a larger tank for them now. :p
Another fun one would be a shrimp tank :) You could do some ghost shrimp, ammano shrimp, or cherry shrimp. I think those are the most hardy. And if the fish isn't very aggressive... you could put in a betta with them! They are so fun, that is probably what I would do with my tank. 
bluesword23516 said:
Guppies would be great! I would just do males so they don't breed, I started with 6 guppies in a ten gallon (male and female) and the population tripled in a month. I have a larger tank for them now.

Another fun one would be a shrimp tank
You could do some ghost shrimp, ammano shrimp, or cherry shrimp. I think those are the most hardy. And if the fish isn't very aggressive... you could put in a betta with them! They are so fun, that is probably what I would do with my tank. 
Thanks! I might just do that haha 
How about something different. Shrimp,Snails, plants these kinda things :)
EllieJellyEllie said:
What is your hater like? HArd or soft? Is the tank cycled? pH? This will help us help you find suitable fish for you aquarium :)
My eyebrow raised after reading the hater lol

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