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  1. S

    Fun question

    I lived on a lake and i liked to fish. I caught my first fish when I wwas 3. I didn't want to let him go so my parents bought me a 10 gallon tank and a filter. And I moved on from there.
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    Dwarf Puffers

    silver dollar is ur name nathen?
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    Putting Real Plants In Aquariums

    is yur neame nathen?
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    Lost TWO MORE Khuli's !!!!!

    If it is a relativley new tank and you have been doing water changes twice a week you probably haven't given the tank enough time to cycle. I would recomend you buy some relativley hardey fish like some tetras. And only change the water once a week. After about a couple weeks you should...
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    Molly fight. Funny

    Based on a true story. Black Gohst Knife and Molly Tug-o-war Ok here is the deal. I keep a juvanile Black Gohst Knife with several large mollys. (By large I mean fat) So anyway. I feed my Black Gohst Knife tubafex worms. (The kind that come in cubes) I feed my mollies the usual dried veggie...
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    How many Dwarf puffers in a 5 gallon?

    1 if u get a male and 2 if u get females
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    Everyone in the USA there is a boycott on bigals!

    Well Fuge them. And if this wasn't a public chat poll I'd use another word. :grr:
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    what a nice tank

    I have the money, but don't worry I'm not going to buy it. Sweet tank though.
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    Molly Tug-o-war

    Based on a true story. Black Gohst Knife and Molly Tug-o-war Ok here is the deal. I keep a juvanile Black Gohst Knife with several large mollys. (By large I mean fat) So anyway. I feed my Black Gohst Knife tubafex worms. (The kind that come in cubes) I feed my mollies the usual dried veggie...
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    A fish story!

    Based on a true story. Black Gohst Knife and Molly Tug-o-war Ok here is the deal. I keep a juvanile Black Gohst Knife with several large mollys. (By large I mean fat) So anyway. I feed my Black Gohst Knife tubafex worms. (The kind that come in cubes) I feed my...
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    How many Dwarf puffers in a 5 gallon?

    1 :-( srry not enoug room
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    Red claw crab

    anything but salt water. Brackish and Fresh are fine. You will have better luck with them in Brackish water if you are planning to breed them.
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    My 125 reef, step by step setup

    WANT WANT WANT :kewlpics:
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    My betta fish

    My Butterfly betta
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    My Bettas

    oops nvm i still have a few bugs to work out
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    My Bettas

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    80 gallon brackish tank

    I absolutley luv the drift wood :D
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    Land or No Land?

    they just need some place to purch on comforatably without much struggle. They also need an easy way to there perch. If the water levle is only about 5 inches then I would not worry about them struggleing to get to there landing spot. However if the water levle is any hire then u must supply a...
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    Land or No Land?

    if u mean red claw crabs and gold fiddlers then yes they do indeed neeed land.
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    A puffer Question

    I've heard of many kinds of FW puffers. Could somone tell me some names of small FW puffers. And can somone give me some carring information about them. Here are some pictures of different FW puffers. If somone thinks the pictures are not FW please let me know. I know there are more but I...
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    Dwarf Puffer Questions

    u need atleast a 10 gallon tank to hold two dwarf puffers comforatably.
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    Definatly dwarf puffers if u are going with freshwater other then that i don't know
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    Hello to everyone

    Welcome. Thats y I registerd :P
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    What kind of toadfish are you talking about. Saltwater of Freshwater. Toad fish can be extremely aggresive. The FW ones are the smallest.
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    Gold Fiddlers VS. Red Claw Crabs

    Will Gold Fiddlers and Red Claw Crabs fight if put in the same tank. I have an order of red claw crabs and gold fiddler crabs coming in next week. I have 2 tanks set up, but it would be so much easier if i could put them in the same tank. Would they get along alright. My fear would be the larger...
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    It is reallt quite easy. If they are sailfin mollies the males are the ones with the sales on their backs. Here is a link that cleared molly breeding all up for me. hope it helps let me no how it works out
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    omg.....i have found cory eggs but that's not all

    make sure the bucket u keep the eggs in has a heater
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    How long does my live food stay live?

    this is kind of off topic but tear-scar nice planted tank :D
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    My fish are dying!!!!

    Those white worms are parrasites. These are the things that are killing your fish. They are nasty little worms that can be very harmful to tropicle fish. They go inside your fish and literally eat there organs and insides. I know of no reason for there appearence. I've had them in several of my...
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    What to do...sigh...

    I would seriously consider waiting untill u move before setting up a large tank like that. Not to mention it would take a couple months before u got the tank fully addapted. From my personle expierience moving tanks can be extremley diificult. U would need to set up a brand new enviorment for...
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    what kinda pleco

    Most likely a gold nugget. They are very easy to keeep and very rare and expensive.
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    sa leaf fish

    I would have to agree with stingray kid. Their mouth can stretch even longer then their mouth soggest. The prefer smaller fish then to larger fish. So your tetras should do just fine.
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    Baby mollies

    I agree whith sasha
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    baby apple snails

    snails r cute
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    red claw crabs

    What is a good way to give red claw crabs calcium? -_-
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    I got a Python

    ? :S