Land or No Land?

Should red claw crabs have land or not?

  • Yes- they should have land

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No- it isn't nessacary

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Essex, Kirby
I'ved noticed alot of people have different opionions on this and my LFS dude said they don't need it either.

So though a poll would be good.
oki dokey, does the above water land need to be an actualy kinda of platform or just something they can "perch" on and be above the water?

Also would they use the route up to the surface as a hunting point? I'm planning on a few guppies in with them. It's a 5 gallon tank.
they just need some place to purch on comforatably without much struggle.
They also need an easy way to there perch. If the water levle is only about 5 inches then I would not worry about them struggleing to get to there landing spot. However if the water levle is any hire then u must supply a laddder of somesort. Red claws can swim about 6 inches off the bottom .You can also buy a turtle platform that sticks on to side of the glass. That would provide plenty of space for them. Since it is only a five gallon I would recomend u cut the platform as they can be kind of large.

Since it is only a 5 gallon I would recomend u only put 1 - 3 in it. Red claws are territorial. Also u must have several hidding places for them to molt, as they are very vunerable when they molt.

They might try and make a grab for your guppys but, I doubt they will ever manage to ketch them. Unless they are sick or something.
I was thinking or some bog wood that sits in an upward position, then somesort of platform, i'll work something out when I have the tank to play around with.

1-3 is perfect as I was planning on a pair. I'm going to put a small flower pot in there and was even thinking of putting like a small tunel under the gravel a bit!!?? Then of course the bog wood would provide some cover for them.

and was going to have cabomba plant as hiding for guppies and any fry, i already have it in my pond fry tank and like the look of it and the fish like it so though I'd get another bit for them, although my neighbour said there a bit of rebels and pull them out!!

Cheers the the top tips so far :thumbs:
hmm 7-0 guess I'll definately making a platform.

could people post some pictures to show what they have done for them? cheers
I've read elsewhere that in a large tank, one chap inverted a small 20L tank and sat it on the bottom. He then fed an airline to it to ensure it was fresh. Job done, dry land on the bottom of his squarium :D

I'm looking round for more people who have had success with this interesting idea.
Ahh yes!!

Would be more of an ass to do in a smaller tank though :/ I did have a jar in my other tank which I put an air bubble in, I might experiment with it now i have the tank (came through the post this morning), just need to get my under gravel tray, up tube then I can play around with ideas.

Thing is I want to try to make it look natural, with bog wood, clay flower pots and there will b a few plants.
I think its important for us to try and replicate the environment of the creatures we keep as best we can!
If crabs are used to going onto land in the wild then so it should be in captive even if they dont need it.

Besides it would add an extra sumthin to your tank dont u think?
Hi, Ive got 2 red claws who used to hang out in the hood!!Anyway I got this "turtle Island" from lfs which sticks on tank with suckers(cost£2.99)they love it!!I built up a load of pebbles under it for them to climb on.This was really great as everyone else(fish and frogs)hang out in them all the time!!I love seeing them all so happy!!Would recommend land!! :D
Yeh I agree, porviding something as close to there naturally enviroment is important.

Thing is as it's a minumum size for them bulding up cobbles etc to the surface will take up valulable space.

I need to get down to my LFS really so I can get the UGF set up then I can play about with the landscape!! I'm after some bog wood thats on ebay at the moment aswell so that will help that a route to the surface.
I'ved been playing about with set up this after noon (didn't get the UGF tray though :( ) and I reakon I can quite easily and quite space savingly make like a corner tower to the surface out of flowerpots, cobbles and gravel, so it's a route to the surface and hiding caves!!

Thing is does it matter if the cave entrances are out in the open!!??

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