Fun question

I wanted a parents were like "oh, you can have fish cos they're simple and don;t need any maintenance, but you're not having a hamster or anything"....better than nothign, I thought...I'm so glad they said that now though! Iwould never swap my fishes for any other pet.
MRshouty, that's the thing, I didn't do anything to my cat. He slipped out the door (but he's done it before (oh god, I'm rhyming again) and he always came back) but this time he was gone. I freaked, checked all the shelters, put up flyers, checked out roadkill (just in case), then what, five, six months later my mom sees him in the woods right out back of our house. I called, he came, said hi, wouldn't let me within ten feet of him, and now I see him every now and again around the woods, but he never comes back. I was so upset because he was my baby, I had his mom when she was pregnant so I'd known him his whole life, he used to sleep in my bed, we'd go for walks outside, I'd sneak him food, he'd steal my seat when I'd get up, I'd rub his belly... (as you can see, I loved the little ####!) That's why I felt liked I'd been dumped... anyways, at least fish can't just be like, 'hey, thanks for the love and the food and all that nice crap, I'd rather live in the pond thank you very much.' Grr. That's it, next time I'm getting a dog....
I wanted to get a pet but I'm allergic to cats, I don't really care for rodents, and we need to fix up a few things in the yard before we get a dog so I decided to look into fish. I bought a 1 gallon tank at wal-mart and was planning on coming back the next day to get 5 or so white clouds (ah the ignorance lol). I did some reading that night and learned about cycling, etc. After many mistakes attempting a fishless cycle I ditched the 1 gallon and bought a 2.5 gallon, then another 2.5 gallon, a few months later came the 10 gallon. One of these days I hope to get at least a 30, preferably 50-55 gallon tank :D
My family used to keep fish when I was little and I have wonderful memories of it. So, when I moved away from home and family, I decided to get some fish to keep me company. My husband (then boyfriend) convinced me and helped me to pick the fish out. They're both keepers! :nod:
I love my fishies! They're so soothing and beautiful to watch. :wub:
I'm glad I started this topic! I just thought "I can't be the only one who started strangely and am now HOOKED on fishies" Everyone's stories are so fun!
When I was in preeschool I wanted a pet. I asked for a cat or a dog and my parents said no. After a few days of begging for a pet they finally said I could get a fish, so I got a betta and but it in a bowl. (I was only 3 and didn't know about fish) After a while, I found out my dad used to keep fish and had a 10 gallon tank. So I set up the tank, and dad helped me cycle it, then I got another betta. After a few years, I got smaller tanks for the bettas, and turned the 10 into a community tank. Once some of my fish had fry, I found out I'd need a bigger tank, so I got a 20 gallon. Now I have 5 tanks...sometimes I think my parents wish they'd gotten me a dog. :D
I lived on a lake and i liked to fish. I caught my first fish when I wwas 3. I didn't want to let him go so my parents bought me a 10 gallon tank and a filter. And I moved on from there.
My husband and i had been talking about getting a pet but we didnt want anything that would destroy the carpet. We have had a dog and cats and between claws, sheding and peeing we had enough. So fish seemed like a logical choise. our 3 year old was in love with nemo and she seemed into it too. We bought a 30 gallon back in march and now 4 months later i have 4 tanks in the house and i want more. This is the first hobby ive found that i get so into and i had no idea until a few months ago. Its crazy how fast the addiction hits.
Was the runaway cat neutered? I've noticed that a lot of times males tend to run off on their owners like that if they aren't fixed. It did happen to a friend of mine who got her cat fixed, though, so...

As for me, I have tons of furry animals but fish have always been fascinating. My grandparents kept a tank when I was little and I remember being totally entertained by the kuhli loaches. When I moved into an apartment during college (after working on schooners/windjammers for years) I decided to try my hand with fish again. It didn't go so well.

Then, about two years a go, a co-worker of mine wanted to get rid of his thirty gallon and fish. I took the tank and fish but managed to kill the fish. Here I am now starting AGAIN with better luck and a lot more information. I want about eight more tanks before I'm done.
My brother's wife got her first tank less than a year ago...a 10 gal. Soon after she got a 55 gal. My children LOVED :wub: Aunt Lora's for my daughter's 4th birthday she was given a 10 gal by my brother and his wife. ( This was May)

Of course Mama...aka ME... had to learn about cycling and water changes and FRY and all that fun stuff. :eek: My babies 2 and 4 went from crying when a fish died to asking to be the one to "flush". :*) It was a very sad situation for awhile. :(

I quickly became addicted. My husband has already agreed I can get a larger tank..little does he know I will NOT stop at one more! :whistle:

I'm TRYING to be patient though...we'll be moving in less than a year. Patience is a hard thing for me though!!!! :X

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