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  1. elisew

    How To Get Fry To Eat?

    Liquifry if you have some, if not then it would be a good idea to get some. Once the eggsacs have been eaten the fry need minute foods otherwise they can starve. Try crushing down some flake as finely as you can, that might help. Congrats on the fry :good:
  2. elisew

    Delicate , Beautiful , But Deadly

    Wow!!! Fantastic photos Mark :hyper: :good: :good: :good: I'm still trying to sweet talk hubby into buying me a macro lens, I would love to be able to take pics like that B-)
  3. elisew

    Malawi Cichlid

    The red and blue zebras are of the same genus, pseudotropheus/mbuna I believe. It's not recommended that you keep many of the same genus together especially if they're very similar in shape or colour. Cross breeding is prolific between many of the mbuna and the hybrids are difficult to sell...
  4. elisew

    Malawi Cichlid

    I think you could well have 20 ish of the mbuna but I don`t personally think 20 of the peacocks would be suitable because they get too big but that`s just my thoughts :/ You may even be able to have approx 14 of the mbuna i.e elongatus mpanga, neon spot, ndumbi redtop, socolofi etc with some...
  5. elisew

    Malawi Cichlid

    I have some photos of my fish which is a mix of Malawi, mbuna and haps. You`re welcome to have a look at the different types and colours to give you some idea:
  6. elisew

    Trying To Find A Red Cichlid

    Hmm, I'll have to sort it out but there are a few vids and lots of pics on the thread to give you an idea of different reds and oranges, the pics start from about half way down this page:
  7. elisew

    More Than One Pair Of Kribs

    Simply put......No :no:
  8. elisew

    Trying To Find A Red Cichlid

    If you have time, have a quick nose through the thread I started when I setup my Malawi tank. Malawi, mbuna and haps that are a big mix of colours:
  9. elisew

    Using Eggcrate In My Tank

    I guess it looks that way huh? :lol: :lol: Seriously though, I know the quality of the fish from personal experience. I have a big tank full of gorgeous, colourful fish and if someone is looking for a particular fish that I know Tony could well have then it makes someones day :good: I can...
  10. elisew

    Using Eggcrate In My Tank

    Have you tried the guy I get my fish from? Firefish:
  11. elisew

    Found A Red Zebra Fry In My Filter Yay!

    Tut tut :/ These things happen sometimes so don`t feel too bad. I generally know when any of my females are due to spit so I keep my eye out for any stray fry, some of mine have been found in either the weir or the sump but hey ho, nothing I can do will stop that happening :look: I must...
  12. elisew

    Found A Red Zebra Fry In My Filter Yay!

    I know I shouldn`t laugh but that`s the kind of sod`s law that would happen to me :lol: I am sorry though and I hope you manage to keep any fry separate next time ;)
  13. elisew

    Using Eggcrate In My Tank

    I`ve never heard of the bad bacteria/gasses building. Seems silly to me to be honest as it`s basically the same as when you have rocks sitting directly on the bottom of the tank, I just think using eggcrate is safer but that`s just my thoughts :unsure: I put the sand on top of the eggcrate...
  14. elisew

    Are These Really Saulosi?

    I personally don`t think they are saulosi but I may be wrong :unsure: To be honest I think you need to be looking at asking questions on other forums so that you can establish a confirmed id :good:
  15. elisew

    Brichardi Fry....

    Nice surprise to come home to :good: My local Maidenhead Aquatics will take any of my fry that are approx 3 inch in size or bigger, apparently by that size they know whether they`re going to survive or not. Definitely worth getting in touch with yours and asking for them to trade for credit B-)
  16. elisew

    Trying To Find A Red Cichlid

    Either Firefish or Jacobfreibergi Eureka colour select :good: Be careful if you get a Firefish and where it comes from though because a lot of the foreign imports are very, very aggressive. The bloke I bought all of my fish from sells line bred so they`re excellent quality and all proper, not...
  17. elisew

    Using Eggcrate In My Tank

    Good price and it`ll do the job :good: It`s definately easier to strip and sort the tank than cleaning up that much water :hyper: :lol:
  18. elisew

    Buying Peacocks Onlin

    I bought my peacocks from this guy: Amazing fish, fantastic quality and I would recommend for anyone and everyone to buy from him. If there's something in particular that you want but don't see on his website give him a call :good: :good:
  19. elisew

    Using Eggcrate In My Tank

    Although it's a right pain to empty the tank, I personally would recommend to anyone that they should have egg crate at the base of their tank if they have rocks/slate. One day of sorting the tank can save a pile of misery IF any of the rocks do move/slip, I wasn't prepared to take the risk...
  20. elisew

    Malawi Cichlid

    demasoni are very aggressive and you need to look at a large number of them together to keep aggression down a bit. The Mpanga are pretty similar in colour (imo), my Mpangas look much better than the pic on that website and they`re nowhere near as aggressive as the demasoni are reported to...
  21. elisew

    Neolamprologus Leleupi

    I had to move my multis from the 380L to a separate 35L because the leleupi were constantly trying to get them and any fry out of the shells. They`re nasty little b uggers and I personally wouldn`t touch them again with a barge pole. Obviously I can only give you my opinion but I would advise...
  22. elisew

    Malawi Cichlid

    I have a 380L Malawi setup that has Malawi, mbuna and haps in it. There are 6 yellow labs, they do prefer to be in groups but depending on what other fish you`d like then you could have just 2 or 3. Have a look at this place that I bought my fish from, the guy is a really nice bloke and his...
  23. elisew

    Is Sand Hard To Clean?

    I do get poop settling on the sand, despite having a powerhead in both big tanks :rolleyes: I have to say though that I personally find sand much easier to clean than I did when I`ve had gravel in my tanks previously. Just swirl the end of the gravel vac/hosepipe over the surface of the sand...
  24. elisew

    Neolamprologus Leleupi

    I have kept leleupi and found them to be some of the nastiest fish in my tank, even my local MA will only have one leleupi in their huge display tank :blink: The more you have the nastier they can be too so it doesn`t even cut down any aggression by upping the numbers :no: Some people will...
  25. elisew

    Are German Blue Rams Compatible With My Tank Setup?

    +1 Also please remember that most lfs will tell you anything and everything just to make a sale, we here on the forum do not have an interest in making money from you, we just want to help you make sure your fish live as healthily and as well as they can......even if it means telling you that...
  26. elisew

    Troubles Breeding Electric Blues

    It could be due to a number of reasons, either the male is chasing her into a corner (you don`t see the chasing unless you watch the tank 24/7) or they`re starting to get to know each other. Just keep an eye on them both for any signs of the female being harrassed. If you keep an eye on the...
  27. elisew

    Shrimp/prawn As Food

    Sorted then! :good: :lol: :lol:
  28. elisew

    Shrimp/prawn As Food

    I feed defrosted chopped prawns to my Tanganyikans and Malawis and they love it. Just defrost the prawns (I defrost them quicker in a small pot of water) and chop them into pieces that are small enough to fit in your fishes mouth, big chunks tend to get left at the floor of the tank and will...
  29. elisew

    Troubles Breeding Electric Blues

    Definately too small imo but you will have to be very careful as the one female may end up harrassed to death, hence the general recommendations to have 1m and at least 2 f. As they`re not a proven pair, don`t put too much faith in them breeding for a while, if at all. After all, how would you...
  30. elisew

    Troubles Breeding Electric Blues

    Are they a 'proven' breeding pair as you can't just put a pair together and expect that they'll breed? They're in new, unfamiliar territory so you'll have to give them time to settle and get used to their new home. Have patience. IF they're not a proven pair it will take longer for them to get...
  31. elisew

    Brevis Shell Dwellers

    Minimum size for one pair of Brevis is 5G, the Fluval Edge is 23L I believe which equates to approx 5.05G?. Just sand and some Escargot or 2 small/med conch shells should be fine for them but you would need to look at a bigger tank really on the grounds that a pair of Brevis are very likely to...
  32. elisew

    Mbuna Flicking

    My 380L has a mix of Malawi, mbuna and haps, the stocking isn`t heavy but the sump is enough of a filter for it :good: Carbon should only need to be used when removing meds. Fine foam or filter floss would remove any 'grottiness' from the water. If you use carbon when the 'activation' has...
  33. elisew

    Tang Tank - What To Add Next?!

    Glad you decided on them Jo, they look like they`ll be a great addition from reading info on them :good: :good: It`s difficult to get your head round after having kept a busy, well stocked tropical tank but do remember that with the Tangs you need to be stocking the tank lightly with only 3...
  34. elisew

    Mbuna Flicking

    A small amount of spirulina flake once a day and a second feed of a food such as premium granular is adequate and ok for Mbuna. I personally think you should take the carbon out of your filter, carbon is only needed for removing meds etc from the tank water and serves no other benefit. Carbon...
  35. elisew

    Mbuna Flicking

    How often are you carrying out water changes? I would echo the comment about the food that you`re feeding, none of it really holds what Malawi/mbuna need. Have a google for ZM systems, they`re a fish food supplier who sell Premium granular and spirulina flake. It may seem expensive initially...
  36. elisew

    Metriaclima Estherae Holding Eggs

    I`m afraid I can`t comment on whether the melafix will harm any fry as I`ve never used the stuff, sorry :unsure: I would however say that simple, partial water changes done on a daily basis will do wonders for wounds and will certainly help hugely with the fry`s growth when they`ve been...
  37. elisew

    Shrimp Food

    +1 My crystal reds and red cherry shrimp eat the same :good:
  38. elisew

    100 Ukg Malawi Madness!

    Great pics again Mark :good: Sorry to hear the haps still haven`t got the hang of holding full term. My male haps are trying their hardest and flirting non stop, one of the females held for a couple of days but nothing since. Managed to net 4 fry from the neon spots this morning so they`re...
  39. elisew

    What's Your Must Have Maintenance Tool?

    What with having 2 big tanks....the DIY Python is a real back and shoulder saver, dunno how I managed before to be honest :crazy: :D :D I have a big sponge on a long plastic handle for the algae inside the tank glass, I`m always worried about scratching the glass with the blade fitment...
  40. elisew

    Tanganyikan Spawning

    Nice one!! :good: :good: There has to be something in the water, both your fish and mine are breeding like mad it appears. My Malawis are spitting fry at a great rate of knots.....just wish my cyps would hurry up and do the business, loads of flirting but no babies yet :rolleyes: :lol: :lol: