Are German Blue Rams Compatible With My Tank Setup?

There's no right or wrong answer, it's best to have some form of back up plan though if things do go wrong, if not you're better off just not taking the risk.


Also please remember that most lfs will tell you anything and everything just to make a sale, we here on the forum do not have an interest in making money from you, we just want to help you make sure your fish live as healthily and as well as they can......even if it means telling you that your thoughts/ideas are no no`s ;)
Thanks lads.

Dont get me wrong, I greatly appreciate every bit of advice you guys give to me (even if its advice I dont want to hear =P).

In any case I have a friend with a cycled Baby BiOrb that hasnt got any fish in it - I could use that as a tank for 6 neons if they turn out to be incompatible with my betta =)

UPDATE - after a call to my mate she also tells me shes got a 180L thats understocked (due to her selling her eels). Shes only got White Skirt Tetras and a Black Moor in there at the moment, so I assume that either way that should be fine?
here is a compatibility chart for the ram species i found online...hope it helps :)
here is a compatibility chart for the ram species i found online...hope it helps :)
According to the chart all tetras get on fine with bettas.....

That cant be right - Serpae/Black Diamond Tetras would rip the fins off a betta fish!
here is a compatibility chart for the ram species i found online...hope it helps :)
According to the chart all tetras get on fine with bettas.....

That cant be right - Serpae/Black Diamond Tetras would rip the fins off a betta fish!

The unfortunate thing about lists like this is that different species within a group (or is it genus) can be very different. Cherry barbs for example are very peaceful, as are five banded, but tiger barbs (and most others) can be vicious fin nippers. The same goes for tetra, or all fish really. It is better to look into specific species, than to try to use a one size fits all chart.

For example, GBRs are a fairly small, peaceful fish, but are still cichlids - many of which are huge and very aggressive. Even the difference between New World cichlids and African cichlids is big.

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