Delicate , Beautiful , But Deadly


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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since getting more and more into nature photography ive spent quite a bit of time watching dragonflies ,and you come to see that they have such delecate beuty about them,yet at the same time are supreme ariel predators . im really quite taken with them .




the delicacy can bee seen most in the wing
Wow!!! Fantastic photos Mark :hyper: :good: :good: :good:

I'm still trying to sweet talk hubby into buying me a macro lens, I would love to be able to take pics like that B-)
Mark 'David Bailey' and his fish! lol

great pics mate. :good:
thankyou , the pics werent that good with the new lens to start with believe you me lol i still delete more than i keep . lisa if you do get a macro lens ( if i remember rightly youve got a 500d havent you?) the sigma lens is cheaper than the canon and whilst it is still sharp it extends signifigantly when focusing , which isnt so good up close to things , the canon lens is internal focusing and so doesnt extend . also if youre wanting to do bugs etc then its worth investing the extra money and getting the 100mm , you dont have to get as close to your subject to get true 1:1 magnification than with the 60mm which is a big bonus with jumpy insects etc .
Great pics of the dragonflys :good: :good: I bet you had fun stalking up on them. First thing in the morning is usually the best time to photography most insects before they have fully warmed up and can zoom off all over the place.
thanks again . yes trying to get that close to a dragon fly is almost impossible , but ive found that if you notice a certain reed etc that they regularly come to rest on and just sit there long enough that after a while youre no longer viewd as a potential threat and more just part of the scenery. then they will come and perch again and you get the chance to grab a few quick shots before they are off for another few laps of the pond. it does take patience but i dont mind because going after photos like this puts you in some beautiful places , away from the hussle and bussle of the rat race and it can actually become nice and relaxing.
Love the close up of the wing! Looks like a piece of beautiful stained glass!
thankyou , it would of been nice to get the whole wing in the frame but i wanted the close detail .
I love dragonflies. They eat houseflies, small flying insects, and mosquito larvae when they are nymphs. I don't know of dragonflies eat mosquitoes outside of water.

I once had a huuuuuge dragonfly swarm. Never had one before. I found out they were eating all the bugs attracted to my compost heap :3

Their glassy wings are just so pretty.

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