Are These Really Saulosi?


Fish Crazy
Mar 30, 2011
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Hi guys, Just a quick question. As some people may know I have 18 Saulosi fry at the moment. I've noticed that around 5-6 of the fish have started to develop horizontal bars across their bodies and never new this happened in the Saulosi growth process so just want some feedback on whether these are indeed just maturing male Saulosi or another species all together?



Thanks man. Glad you like them. Will be selling around 8 or so soon once I can sex them. Worried they may not be Saulousi though atm :(
Well when males mature they turn Blue with black bars. Like so

These bars are always vertical and I've never heard anything about them getting horizontal bars like some of mine are showing in the pictures.
Maybe it's just because they are young? Not really up on Mbuna so can't help you really. Are the females the same?
Well I don't think so. I am only able to sex them at the moment by these lines. the females are just fully yellow.
Thats why i asked if the females were the same. They could possibly just be yellow with the horizontal lines whilst they're young and then the males will colour up when maturing. I don't know mate, but i am guess that. lol. Were they sold to you as Saulousi?
Thats why i asked if the females were the same. They could possibly just be yellow with the horizontal lines whilst they're young and then the males will colour up when maturing. I don't know mate, but i am guess that. lol. Were they sold to you as Saulousi?

Yh I found a guy on Aquarist classified. Went and saw the parents when picking them up. He was a nice guy and didn't seem like he would intentionally lead someone astray after all he was just a hobbyist and selling them at a ridiculously low price. I may add as well the parents were beautiful but were kept in a mixed malawi tank.
I know next to nothing about malawis but all the pictures of young saulosi I found had vertical bars... I'll keep looking though
I dont think they are saulosi, I dont recognise the pattern -- though it's reminscent of some Melanochromis.

mine never had bars when small and where pure yellow until the males started to turn :crazy:
So I managed to converse with the guy I purchased the Saulosi from and he assured me they are pure Saulosi. They are kept in a tank with the only 3 plecos and Afra Hara which he says couldn't cross breed. He said a few of this fry in the past have had these marking when young and they ended up being females.

Hmmmm don't know what to think they are beautiful fish but the markings are showing no sign of fading.
i wouldnt say never to hara and saulosi crossing
but they dont look right to me
do you mind telling me the seller?
I personally don`t think they are saulosi but I may be wrong :unsure:

To be honest I think you need to be looking at asking questions on other forums so that you can establish a confirmed id :good:

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