Search results

  1. elisew

    What Fish Is This ? Help !

    You have a clown loach. A lovely addition to a few setups but it will need some friends of it`s own kind and a decent sized tank :good:
  2. elisew

    New Additions To My Malawi Tank

    Yes it is. We wanted a big tank but we also like the furniture aspect of it too as it matches our other furniture. They are expensive but the quality is really good, it`s quality that is likely to last a few years so it`s worth it to us :good:
  3. elisew

    New Additions To My Malawi Tank

    Finally got some recent pics of the tank. I will be changing the sand in there when we move so it will be a coral sand perhaps, but something much lighter as I don`t like the look of the tank the way it is now.
  4. elisew

    New Additions To My Malawi Tank

    Thanks. It's only the fry that I find in the weir or sump that get removed and grown on anyway so it's ok if the venustus snack a bit........just as long as I don't actually see it :lol: Sorry, it's been a busy day as I've been trying to source some white labs, but I will get a recent full...
  5. elisew

    What If There Are No Females

    It certainly would :nod: I`ve seen it suggested on quite a few occasions that people can keep a male only tank. The first reason being that the males colouring is majoritively better than the females who tend to be a drab brown colour, second being that if there is no competition for the...
  6. elisew

    New Additions To My Malawi Tank

    That`s the plan :lol: :lol: :good: Thanks, I love the fact that they`re so different. They are very similar to the Livingstoni but after checking with others who are more experienced than I am the id came back as definite venustus which is good because they`re apparently not quite so...
  7. elisew

    Malawi Cichlid Fry

    Sad? There's nothing sad about knowing what you're keeping, it's called being responsible so that hybrids don't constantly get sold on to unsuspecting people. I'm not inferring that you plan on selling yours on but it helps to know what you have should you run into problems and need specific...
  8. elisew

    New Additions To My Malawi Tank

    I`ll get one taken and upload it later :good:
  9. elisew

    New Additions To My Malawi Tank

    I reckon you`d love having a tank with the colour that the malawi or mbuna give :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :lol: :lol: The venustus will grow to an adult size of 10".....just as well I have a big enough tank for them! :lol: They`re completely different to the...
  10. elisew

    New Additions To My Malawi Tank

    I took some juvi malawi and mbunas over to my local MA last week and with some of the credit I got these for my Malawi tank as well as another couple of yellow labs: Nimbochromis venustus:
  11. elisew

    Minimum Tank Size For Neolamprologus Multifasciatus

    I had 4 breeding pairs and loads of fry in my 35L. It wasn`t an ideal size as it was only meant to be a temporary option but they were obviously happy as they never stopped breeding :lol: I reckon a 45L (ish) would be fine :good:
  12. elisew

    Tanganyikan Cichlids In A 30 Gallon?

    If you`re going to keep shell dwellers in a tank that size I personally would say don`t keep brevis with any others. Brevis on their own would be fine or kungweensis with multifasciatus would be fine with defined separate areas. The julis in that size tank would be better as a single as their...
  13. elisew

    Tanganyikan Cichlids In A 30 Gallon?

    Would say that`s the best way to start. Post a list here of what Tangs your lfs has and we can work out a stocking plan if there`s a feasible one :good:
  14. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

    Really glad you got them home ok, thanks for letting me know :D I hope you enjoy them as much as we have :good:
  15. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

    Really nice to meet you both and I`m even more confident after speaking to you that the fish will be very well looked after :D You`ll find that the clown plec is very shy and will stay underneath the bogwood most of the time but he`ll venture out in the evenings for an algae wafer :good:
  16. elisew

    Various Malawi Mubuna For Sale

    Wish you didn`t live so far away from where I am, I`d have had the labs off you to add to mine. Sods law :/
  17. elisew

    150G Stocking Suggestions

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. elisew

    Hello From Ipswich

    Hi Rick, welcome to TFF :good: Completely agree with matt on the Oscar wouldn`t believe how many Oscars are taken back to some shops because people just have no idea on what the requirements are or how big these fish really get in such a short space of time :no: 240L is a...
  19. elisew

    Wasp And Bee Macro

    Great photos!! :good: :good: I`m getting more and more impatient about getting a macro lens when I keep seeing pics like these :shout: :sad:
  20. elisew

    150G Stocking Suggestions

    150G is a great size for any of the Africans you`ve listed :good: :good: On the heavy stocking with lots of colour, yes you`re right it is the Malawi/mbuna. It`s actually amazing how much colour you can get without going down the marine route which is why I`m so glad we got the Malwis. The...
  21. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

    No worries Chris, see you on Saturday :good:
  22. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

    Yeah I know Chris, I`ll slap myself :lol: :rolleyes: I like your wife already and I`ve never met her :good: :lol: :lol: The only thing I would be concerned about with emptying the tank half way would be the glassfish being jostled about but hubby has just said that by the time about 75%...
  23. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

    Hi Chris, long time no 'talk' :) Sorry the mind reading skills are obviously a bit on the slow side recently, I should have listed it sooner :lol: :lol: The £40 is the very best price I can do I`m afraid especially as I`ve dropped it down from £50 already, the tank and everything...
  24. elisew

    What Can I Do With This Cichlid?

    To be honest, unless you plan on adding more of the same in a decent sized tank then you need to look at rehoming it or taking it to your local lfs for them to rehome. :/
  25. elisew

    New Tank For Malawi Cichilds

    Scaping is completely down to personal preference so it`s no good for anyone to really tell you what`s best. A really good way of getting some ideas is to have a search on youtube for malawi tanks, you`ll get loads of results and you`ll see lots of different setups :good:
  26. elisew

    Upgrading From 125L To 240L - But What Fish Can I 'upgrade' To

    Yep you got it, lots of rocks for shedloads of cave areas, as with the mubuna it`s better to overstock to reduce aggression and lots of filtration to cope with the overstocking :good: Have a good read through the African cichlid section, you`ll also see a few good threads in the journal...
  27. elisew

    Upgrading From 125L To 240L - But What Fish Can I 'upgrade' To

    If the breeding behaviour is interesting to you then I can say for definite that the mbuna`s would without a doubt hold your attention. Apart from the compatibility issues that you`re already fully aware of I would strongly suggest the ratio of 1m:3f should be what you`re looking at as some of...
  28. elisew

    Upgrading From 125L To 240L - But What Fish Can I 'upgrade' To

    Are you thinking along the lines of SA/CA cichlids or African? 240L would be a good size for some of the african Mbunas that would give you a lot of action but mainly lots of colour :good: Mpangas, Jalo reefs, acei, neon spots etc would be extremely compatible B-)
  29. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

    Last post on this before I sort out taking it all to MA at the weekend. £40.00 for the complete setup now :)
  30. elisew

    35L Arcadia Tank Complete Setup - Sold

    Last post on this before I sort out taking it all to MA at the weekend. £40.00 for the complete setup now :)
  31. elisew

    Quick Sale Needed

    Mark I really wish I lived closer because I would love to have been able to add the usisya, yellow labs and the sp.44`s to my lot :X I`m sure anyone who has the fish from you will be as chuffed with them as I am with mine :good: :good:
  32. elisew

    Question For Anyone With Experience Of A Fish With Only One Eye

    One of my yellow labs has only one good eye due to a bit of a scrap between it and another one in transit, he does swim slightly lopsided and i presume it`s so he can see out of his good eye what`s going on around him. His 'disability' doesn`t stop him chasing after the females or eating and...
  33. elisew

    Oscars And Severums With Cichlids

    As has already been said, the differences in requirements between SA/CA and African cichlids is too great for those fish to be kept together. I would be very, very wary of taking advice from an lfs that would tell you otherwise and I`d stay away from an lfs like that too :no: The auratus is...
  34. elisew

    Pfk Article On Beating Algae

    It`s always good to see articles that will bring out a discussion on whether the info contained is agreed with or not :) I don`t read PFK often but thought when I saw that you lot would appreciate it. I must admit that the bit about the RO water did make me chuckle, especially after I`d...
  35. elisew

    Discus Not Breeding

    Maybe they just need a bit longer to get used to feeling safe in their new home? :unsure: I notice you don`t have a reading for ammonia?? You say 0 nitrates? Strange as normally there`s usually some reading for nitrates, are you using RO water? :/
  36. elisew

    Pfk Article - Fishkeeping Myths That Just Refuse To Die

    Fishkeeping myths that just refuse to die It`s amazing how many times I actually see some of these myths/answers being given on this forum too :/
  37. elisew

    Pfk Article On Beating Algae

    Some good reading on PFK about ways of helping to beat the dreaded algae in our tanks :good:
  38. elisew

    Water Droplets

    Excellent pics!! :good: :good: :good: B-) B-)