Question For Anyone With Experience Of A Fish With Only One Eye

Usually when fish are born with deformaties, that is it, like humans and animals, its not going to have issues later down the line, its hereditary. Yes as people say they dont understand why you buy it, i dont agree with this, can you imagine a breeder or importer sifting singularly through small fish to see if there all in tact, myself ive brought fish from a shop, got home then realised ive had one with one eye, to be honest at the time it was my preference fish, little bit of a charecter, does not effect them and they adapt very well,just think blind cave fish have adapted since they lost the use of there eyes,much like humans do, they could have lost the eye after birth and its healed over, With humans these things happen, my little sister had a stoke at 21, she has lost three quaters of her eye site, im not going to put her down because of this,

Thank you those are my views too.
Please don't start comparing fish to people! Of COURSE you wouldn't put down a person because of poor eyesight! Good grief! We're talking FISH here!
And no, I wouldn't put down a fish just because of having one eye either, I was suggesting that there's a problem at the LFS if they have so many fish in that condition. And I would NOT buy them in that condition because I wouldn't know WHY they only have one eye. It could just as easily be from disease as genetics. and I would never take that chance of endangering all the rest of my fish. This isn't a topic about ethics but of responsible fishkeeping. Yikes.
. she has lost three quaters of her eye site, im not going to put her down because of this,

there is a vast difference between a human, you dont buy them, or even have a choice, than a fish/animal that is genetically faulty, because of inbreeding, that you choose to buy.

If we dont buy them. LFS will be forced to stop ordering. would you buy a dog of of a breeder that has litter's of pups with similar problems? though i know they call that sort of dog, pedigree!
buying rubbish, encourages retailers to order rubbish.
fine, take them home to give them a good life. but a purchase?

this whole thread is on a subject, that should never come up. retailer and breeders should have far higher standards. but they sell what they can get away with.
This thread has gone off topic and it's not meant to be a debate. I asked a simple question and I thank those people who answered my original question. If you wish to start a debate please start your own thread on the subject.
Oh my word, when i say something in a light hearted joke people jump of the band wagon, jesh, i wasnt comparing fish to humans, obviously there different, humans breath air and would die under water without a oxygen tank :crazy:
Lol please folks
Oh my word, when i say something in a light hearted joke people jump of the band wagon, jesh, i wasnt comparing fish to humans, obviously there different, humans breath air and would die under water without a oxygen tank :crazy:
Lol please folks

+1 :good:
Didn't you change the subject by talking about Chihuahua's ?

No I think you'll find that the people who asked why the hell I'd bought the fish in the first place went off topic. I responded with why I'd bought them then requested that my thread be kept on topic
Oh my word, when i say something in a light hearted joke people jump of the band wagon, jesh, i wasnt comparing fish to humans, obviously there different, humans breath air and would die under water without a oxygen tank :crazy:
Lol please folks
I agree people are getting carried away. I bought some one eyed fish BIG DEAL lol.
marieukxx makes a fair point though.
whilst i do not, entirely, agree in this case.
it is her thread.
Yeh, it has gone away from, 'why is my fish swimming sideways?'. I just thought I would ask why she bought them, thats all, but she has her reasons :good:

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