Tanganyikan Cichlids In A 30 Gallon?


New Member
Jun 7, 2011
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As my tank turned out to be too small for a Malawi setup, I didn't want to risk money and give the fish a poor life by cramming them in. I've decided to sadly concede to the fact that I wont be able to keep Malawi's - unless I get a much bigger tank :grr:

Until then, might as well make the most of the tank I have.

So I went to the LFS today (Pets at Home) *I can hear you all shudder and boo as I mention that store*

But yeah, they have a couple of tanks with Tanganyikan Cichlids. I've done a bit of research, but with the sheer amount of these and the ridiculously long names that they have. I'm getting lost, quickly!

So yeah, I've got a 30 gallon at the moment - about 32" wide. It's pretty rocky in there too - spent so much on rocks, I don't want to get rid of them all.

Which Tanganyikan's would you recommend for a tank of this size? I'll take a wander in on Monday to see if they stock them.

Thank Ye...
Hi there, welcome to the forum. Are you wanting a species only tank or a few different fish in the tank? If constructed well with lots of rocks and higey holes then you could make quite a nice tank. There are plenty of smaller Tangs you could have, alot of the shell dwellers are very interesting indeed. Kungweensis for example are very nice, aswell as brevis, multifasciatus (sp?) etc.

You could always have a species tank and keep fairies, (brichardi) or leleupi which are also known as the lemon cichlid. These are bright yellow and if your tank is decorated well they will stand out really well. What is the actual size (measurements) of you tank? This would help with stocking suggestions, as people can then advise on the amount of species/fish you can add as alot of them are territorial.

You will need a decent ph to keep these fish really happy, 7+ minimum. Anything too acidic and they won't be seen at their full potential and could possibly suffer.
Your best listing what stock they have and what you like. Then go from there. Dimensions of tank as above. cheers
Your best listing what stock they have and what you like. Then go from there. Dimensions of tank as above. cheers

Would say that`s the best way to start. Post a list here of what Tangs your lfs has and we can work out a stocking plan if there`s a feasible one :good:
if you can arrange the rocks so that theyre all up one end, then i'd do a pair of julies (julidochromis ornatus or transcriptus) for the rocks, then one or two pairs of shellies (lamprologus multifasciatus, brevis, or kungweensis) for the sandy area up the other end. Make sure theres some line-of-sight breaks and hiding places in case they get lairy with each other.

I have a 29 with just 4 brevis, literally bought 4 and ended up with two pairs that are now breeding! Its been like a mini fishy soap opera, with females swapping mates and the two males staking out their territory. After 2 months, there are fry swimming round the bottom of the tank which are very cute. Wouldnt change them for anything else!
The measurements are 34 x 15 x 18 inches.

I'll be going to a few different places tomorrow and seeing what ones they do. I'll write them down and put them up on here.

if you can arrange the rocks so that theyre all up one end, then i'd do a pair of julies (julidochromis ornatus or transcriptus) for the rocks, then one or two pairs of shellies (lamprologus multifasciatus, brevis, or kungweensis) for the sandy area up the other end. Make sure theres some line-of-sight breaks and hiding places in case they get lairy with each other.

I have a 29 with just 4 brevis, literally bought 4 and ended up with two pairs that are now breeding! Its been like a mini fishy soap opera, with females swapping mates and the two males staking out their territory. After 2 months, there are fry swimming round the bottom of the tank which are very cute. Wouldnt change them for anything else!

If you`re going to keep shell dwellers in a tank that size I personally would say don`t keep brevis with any others. Brevis on their own would be fine or kungweensis with multifasciatus would be fine with defined separate areas. The julis in that size tank would be better as a single as their aggression level tends to rise when there are more kept together :good:
I think he meant just one shelly. Small julies should be ok. They might be better with a larger shely though.

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