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    Really Dumb Question

    Couldn't it get stich on a aquarium proppeler?
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    Sand V`s Gravel

    In my lates tank a 20 gallon I put natural lake pebble, and a 1/8 of an inch of sand from my 74 G in some places. Kind of mimmiks a shore
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    Filtration For 55 Gal Aqarium?

    The old ones are solid, the new ones just suck. By new ones I mean the ones started a year and a half ago. Quite horrible.
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    Jewel Fish

    NO he doesn't, he was giving an example.
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    Filtration For 55 Gal Aqarium?

    I would advise aginst those, their motors burn out easily or ater a while they make scratching noice that can be fixed
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    What Predators Could I Add To My Tank

    Freshwater puffers are a great choice. Just make sure the ones you pick are adequate in relation to your tank size.
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    Jewel Fish

    Ugly fish
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    And the itt bits of feces
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    Nocturnal Fish Feeding Question

    Cool, but does it have to be large fish?
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    Nocturnal Fish Feeding Question

    Does it mean if it is daylight and I turn off the light in the tank that they will feed or must it be totally dark?
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    Tetramin Food

    Yes it was fish food, unless petco cells kellogs be sure to tell me LOL
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    Tetramin Food

    That the name, tropic crisps. They are small tiny discs of flakes right?
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    More Serious About Fish Keeping

    :rofl: :rofl: Sorry mate, just too funny
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    What Size Is This Tank?

    You could always get a few of those 5 gallon drums from sparkletts and use that as crude measurment?
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    Tetramin Food

    I think it was teramin pro, but back than I had a 74 gallon community. With only 4 fish. I had just made the move from saltwater after a year. 2 mollies and 2 small gouramies
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    The Stock I Will Have

    I have done research, a lot of it. I understand it will take the fish months to set up a territory. So I tried helping by putting various plants in the aquarium with meany rock coves. With many dunes. I do think I will not buy those gouramies, I just have abad feeling about them.
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    The Stock I Will Have

    I would love to use it, but there is this white film in the front that is just horrible. I've tried everything to get it of.
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    Tetramin Food

    Not the brand, a perticular food. They had the tropical flakes, but a different variety. It's been pulled off, some color enehancing thing. I lost many fish because of that food. I supplemented the fish with vitamins, shrimp, blookd worms, but mostly that. And some veggies once a week. Very odd...
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    Tea Coloured Water

    I must be using some crappy carbon lol
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    Proten Skimmer

    You mean a water circulating pump that polishes water?
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    The Stock I Will Have

    Oh sorry I guess I will just edit it. Thanks for the info!
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    Good Fish/ Bad Fish

    If I were you I woult rethink the African Dwarf Frogs, when they get bigger they have a tendency to eat other fish.
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    The Stock I Will Have

    Ya I bought it from some guy who though fish keepiong was the easiest thing in the world. He though he could put 46 goldfish because they were one inch each inside, and because of the one inch per gallon rul.e But he never gave thought to mody mass, or how much one fish can poop than others. I...
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    I’ve got some African wood in my tank too, when I first got it I would get dark yellow, after taking it out drying it and then putting it back in with 25 % changes BI-Weekly for 3 weeks it went away. I have a slight yellow color that is hardly noticeable but it makes it looks more natural with...
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    More Serious About Fish Keeping

    You could always buy a 72 gallon bow, with stand at petco for under 430 USD. Would be much better and would pay off ,instad of having to buy 30 & 40 gallon tanks for a 100 each
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    The Stock I Will Have

    I do have another tank in the garage. It's 46 But I don't think that is enough. In a few weeks I will post some pictures. Im still aquascaping and trying to get rocks to stick together.
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    Tetramin Food

    Never buy flakes from them, I bought a small can last year witht heir round circle flakes. Everyfish I fed it with died. And the ones that did hang on got better by feeding other brand name food. I read the ingrediants, mostly corn flour, flour , wheat germ and such
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    The Stock I Will Have

    I never plan on keeping the fish for anymore than 6 months at a time. As soon as they grow to big, I take them to dave my lfs owner sell them, and get the same ones but much smaller eiher half an inch or an inch.
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    Brown Marks On Dead Fish

    I just remembered something I wanted to ask. In the last 3 years I have had two fish die in a weird manner. The fish's side was brown, could it be the heater burned the fish and killed it?
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    Whoa! Nitrites!

    You could put a few pieces of fish food, rot ammonia?
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    Whoa! Nitrites!

    , Ya but wouldn't she somehow run the risk of a recycle if it is a small tank?
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    Stuck In A Filter For 2 Weeks And Lived?

    Intresting, When I first got my 5 gallon VIA AQUA a long time ago I remember it had a Aqua Clear 200 on i, I had 1 tetra in it and one day it got lost. So I got a flash light and behold it was right under the filter sponge. Amazing
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    What Foods Do You Own?

    I made this topic to see what each of us use for food in our tanks. Here is my list, Hikari Cichlid Gold Hikari Krill Tetra Blood Worms Freeze Dried Treat Tetra Baby Shrimp Sun Dried Treat NutraFin Max Complete Pellet Food San Francisco Bay Brand Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp HBH Oscar...
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    The Stock I Will Have

    That I want to make them somewhat aggressive. I can always sell them full price back to the LFS.
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    The Stock I Will Have

    I am fully aware of the schooling problems. I had a 5 gallon hex 3 years ago, and kept barbs mollies and scissors in small groups. They became very aggresive eaters, I would buy a rosey minnow feeder once a week and they would eat the crap out of the minnow. Wish I could do that for my SW...
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    Whoa! Nitrites!

    Ya but do BI-Daily 5-10 percent changes. Anymore than that and you will have some problems
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    Shrimp And Snails

    Here you go man,
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    Aggressive Behavior

    Your fish will always seem like they are dying of stravation. Those fish have becomed accustomed to easy food. Fish spend their days grazing on tid bits of food. The food which we give them are rich and meaty and robust, and it's easy for them to "find" it.
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    The Stock I Will Have

    Argisht’s 20 Gallon Aquarium stock Fluval 404 Filtration System with 150 Watt Heater by Hagen 3 Platinum Lyretail Molly 2 Full Orange Sword Tails 4 Green Tiger Barbs 2 Tiger Barbs 1 Rainbow Shark 2 Guppies 1 Gold Gourami 1 Opaline Gourami 2 Scissor Tail Rasboras
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    My Fish Going Blind?

    Looks like cloudy eyes, try melafix good stuff