Really Dumb Question


Fish Addict
Dec 8, 2005
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off in my own little world
I have a Lab. Her hair is *everywhere*... tonight while changing one of my tanks, I noticed her hair in the bucket. It's a loosing battle to get every last hair out.... but what I wanted to know is if it's bad for the fish. They don't seem to notice, but I can see her hair float around in the tank sometimes.
I haven't seen hair harm any of my fish, and i have found dog hair and occasionally a few strands of my hair in the tank. One trick i found to get rid of it is to use a net. Also, keeping a lid on your tank will help, and keeping the fish stuff put away also avoids trouble.
it's *kind of* put away.... it's sitting on the bottom shelf of the stand. the dog knocks it over as much as me or the cat- so til i find a better place, i guess the fish'll just have to deal :) they don't seem to care, i just want to make sure it won't mess anything up.
the hairs are fish safe

but if it bothers you

get some shrimp

i also have a dog but my shrimp eat the hairs that go in there
its kindof funny

the first time i saw them eat a hair i was like

?are they supposed to do that?

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