The Stock I Will Have


Fish Crazy
Feb 24, 2006
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Argisht’s 20 Gallon Aquarium stock

Fluval 404 Filtration System with 150 Watt Heater by Hagen

3 Platinum Lyretail Molly

2 Full Orange Sword Tails

4 Green Tiger Barbs

2 Tiger Barbs

1 Rainbow Shark

2 Guppies

1 Gold Gourami

1 Opaline Gourami

2 Scissor Tail Rasboras
I'm not sure what exactly your asking, or what the point of your post is, but I'll comment on your stocking.

3 Platinum Lyretail Molly- lyretail mollies get HUGE, they'll limit your stocking by quite a bit

2 Full Orange Sword Tails- again, these are another big livebearer,

4 Green Tiger Barbs- if barbs are kept in small numbers they can get very aggressive, I would go with a minimum of 8

2 Tiger Barbs- same as above, but I believe they will school with the green tiger barbs, might be best to get 4 of each?

1 Rainbow Shark- are very aggressive and I believe get too big for a 20 gallon

2 Guppies- will become lunch for the tigerbarbs

1 Gold Gourami- one of the larger gouramis, keep one per tank or one pair (male, female) per tank

1 Opaline Gourami- same as above

2 Scissor Tail Rasboras- these are schooling fish and need to be in a group of atleast 6

You need to change your stocking plan a bit.
I am fully aware of the schooling problems. I had a 5 gallon hex 3 years ago, and kept barbs mollies and scissors in small groups. They became very aggresive eaters, I would buy a rosey minnow feeder once a week and they would eat the crap out of the minnow.

Wish I could do that for my SW tank, oh well.

Aksi I am purchasing all the fish as small as I can get so I can have a good time enjoying them. Back than I fed the fish in very small quantities 4 times a day, made them nice and healthy enrgetic. I tried to make it hard for them to get the food just like it was in the wild.
I had a 5 gallon hex 3 years ago, and kept barbs mollies and scissors in small groups. They became very aggresive eaters, I would buy a rosey minnow feeder once a week and they would eat the crap out of the minnow.
And.......? That proves what?
That I want to make them somewhat aggressive. I can always sell them full price back to the LFS.
trance you dont understand the fish will die in there
tiger barbs need more space than 20 gallons
rainbow sharks grow huge and are aggresive you need something like 50 gallons for them(corect me if im wrong)
swordtails guppys and mollys all need to be kept at a ratio of 2 females per every one male
scissortail rasboras need to be kept in groups of 6 +
gold and opaline gouramies grow huge
you SERIOUSLY NEED to rethink your stocking
I am fully aware of the schooling problems. I had a 5 gallon hex 3 years ago, and kept barbs mollies and scissors in small groups. They became very aggresive eaters, I would buy a rosey minnow feeder once a week and they would eat the crap out of the minnow.

Wish I could do that for my SW tank, oh well.

Aksi I am purchasing all the fish as small as I can get so I can have a good time enjoying them. Back than I fed the fish in very small quantities 4 times a day, made them nice and healthy enrgetic. I tried to make it hard for them to get the food just like it was in the wild.

that is screwed up dont you think? it kinda makes you a cruel person if you enjoy feeding and watching a live minnow being torn to bits. in the wild, these fish wouldnt live together and they would have a huge lake to look for food in. i still dont get what having the 5 gallon proves. if you want your fish to be aggresive during feeding time, why not just get aggressive fish?
I am fully aware of the schooling problems. I had a 5 gallon hex 3 years ago, and kept barbs mollies and scissors in small groups. They became very aggresive eaters, I would buy a rosey minnow feeder once a week and they would eat the crap out of the minnow.

Is your point that keeping fish in the wrong quantities (schooling fish in pairs) will make them more aggressive? Well yes, no doubt it will, but I don't see why you should be pleased about this since it is not exactly a sign of wellbeing, but rather the opposite. A dog kept in too confined a space is also likely to become vicious. If you want to enjoy predatorial behaviour I think you should get predators, rather than getting relatively peaceful species and artificially producing aggressiveness by keeping them overcrowded and isolated from a proper school.

[/quote]Aksi I am purchasing all the fish as small as I can get so I can have a good time enjoying them.

But fish like mollies and swordtails, if kept under decent conditions, grow very quickly. Unless you calculate your stocking for adult sizes you won't have long to enjoy them at all.

Besides, you are likely to have big problems with the water stats if you follow this stocking plan. Fish with finrot are not much fun, and will be difficult to palm off on an lfs.
I would change your plans for stocking as you have over stocked your tank as it is and thats without them becoming fully fully grown..
go by the inch per gallong and research your fish before you buy.
I never plan on keeping the fish for anymore than 6 months at a time. As soon as they grow to big, I take them to dave my lfs owner sell them, and get the same ones but much smaller eiher half an inch or an inch.
And the point of that is..... thats like saying, ' yea i buy a puppie and when it gets bigger i take it back and get a new one'!!!!!!

don't think you understand that fish are pets the same the dogs and cats, you should treat them with a bit of respect....why not just buy some fish that will be a good size for you tank when fully grown not just to trade take them back when they get bigger?!
I do have another tank in the garage. It's 46 But I don't think that is enough.

In a few weeks I will post some pictures. Im still aquascaping and trying to get rocks to stick together.
Ya I bought it from some guy who though fish keepiong was the easiest thing in the world. He though he could put 46 goldfish because they were one inch each inside, and because of the one inch per gallon rul.e But he never gave thought to mody mass, or how much one fish can poop than others. I think 20 one inch Jumbo Neon tetras equal the waste mass for a one inch goldfish.
Dont mean to be a pain in the but trance but could you check the rules for signatures and tone yours down a bit please? It's limited to five lines of text...

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