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    I would say it would be, because of he shaking. Depends on what type of motorcycle If it's a euro style motor bike harm would be quite minumum since they are very shock proo. But a harley pshh good luck sister
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    Will This Be Overstocked

    over stock alert!
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    Bought Some Products

    I got mine from the fridge. he first time I saw it I found it odd, asked him why. He replied by telling something of bacteria. Didn't pay attention well. Plus Since I have opened it it is stilll in the firdge. I can say my water has started clearing up now
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    Bought Some Products

    Well I got the Cycle really cheap! I got a 16 ounce bottle for 8 buckswhile my local petco sells it for 35. I'm a frequant customer so... I didn;t know Weco made good stuff, I thought I was buying cheap crap
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    Bought Some Products

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    Bought Some Products

    Went to the ls and bought Acurel for later on use not now Cycle, and some DeChlor by Weco
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    Does Anyone Reccomend These?

    Sorry it' just that I have never gotten NTS before and I don't know what to do. Som say use cycle, other no water changes anymore let the milk kill itself, other say do water changes daily.
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    Does Anyone Reccomend These?

    Ok this sin't helping me at all
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    Does Anyone Reccomend These?

    ok my water is pretty milky Should I do a water change even though jose told me not to? Also should I have the light on or off during this bloom?
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    Amquel And Diy

    Hey guys wanted to know about this AmQuel stuff does it really do any justice as advertised? Also for my Graphic arts class the one I am in right now I need to find an image and direction for DIY tanks n' stands. However a problem is the districts server doesn't allow any tuype of image...
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    Does Anyone Reccomend These?

    Well currently on the City Of Glendales water and power site the current report for phosphate is very low. It reads almost undectable. No I think this is a bacteria bloom. Error from me putting all fish at once, got too carried away
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    Petco Responds To My Letter!

    They feed them once a day, mixed fish tattered fins, dead fish surprisngly the wamart near me has some good stock
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    Petco Responds To My Letter!

    Wow, you know what I am going to right one to my PETCO too. I hate how they mistreat the fishies in peculier ways :sad:
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    Does Anyone Reccomend These?

    never mind i called Jose my LFS guy and asked him what the hell was happening. He said you got a bacteria bloom cuz you added too much fish. Even though your cycles is done the bacteria colonies need to catch up. He also said try not to use chems like Cycle, because it would have been much...
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    Does Anyone Reccomend These?

    everything is in check nitrate shows as 10 again. Should i do a water change?
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    Does Anyone Reccomend These?

    Wait, I know this will sound stupid coming from me. But could it be a mini cycle or bacteria bloom? My water peramters are in my siggy and doesn't that mean the cycle is done? If it is a bacteria bloom how long will it stay?
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    Does Anyone Reccomend These?

    But it made it much worse. I was able to see more of the crap in the water
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    Does Anyone Reccomend These?

    You dont seem to get it, I put a piece of poly on my filters out take for 3 hours on saturday. Nothing made a change.It seems these things pass by
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    Does Anyone Reccomend These?

    Well Since Since Thursday I have done like 4 small 2 gallon water changes. No change. And my fluval is chock full of new carbon that was washed nice and good. So no carbon dust there
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    Does Anyone Reccomend These?

    Those watere clarifiers they sell at petco or such. Such ass accu clear on a cycled tank?
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    Will Super Glue Harm The Water?

    No super glue was discovered by accident. It was being made to strangthen the glass canopies in figter jets. But in regard to the posters question, I would not even dare to even try and do that. Just buy a digital thermometer they are only 6 bucks!
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    Question On Cycling.

    NO, do not take the filter from the other tanks. Purchase another filter in your case an aquaclear mini or 200 and run it on one of the other tanks for about a week along witht he tanks original filter. Take the newer filter and place it on the tank you are cycling. This will give a boost of...
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    What is it with you people and tall tanks? That new 30G is worse than the smaller ones. More taller means the fish will have a harder time going up. Plus another problem would be light reaching the lower parts
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    Ich! Treatments With Amano Shrimp?

    Try something from the maracyn brand. I think they have a non copper med
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    Can I Feed My Fish These?

    They aren't colored. That would be a pain in the butt to do. Since maggots can't survive inw ater for any longer than say 10 minutes I doubt they would be still alive in a fishes stomach. Because a small amount of water goes with the food doesn't it? And than there is stomach acid and the such.
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    This Is A Joke... Right?...

    This makes me so sick. I had bettas once. But at least I gave them a minumum of 5 gallons each, I am truly surprised PETA hasn't got anything to say about this. But than again most of them are lunatics
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    Can You Really Do This?

    It's a fake, the image looks very photoshop, Also I saw amickey mouse platy in a SW tank at my LFS last week. It was pretty healthy and annoying the bigger clown fish LOL
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    I Guess The Cycle Is Done

    its got 7 fish
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    Sailfin Pleck What To Do For The Best

    Being only 16 I would take a wild guess and say that the catfish will be diformed. Since I have never read anything about cartilige growing back. Just like it is on human beings. If the skin and muscle tissue don't grow back, you might have to induce euthanasia. Also since you can't use aquarium...
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    Fry Still Dying...

    Good Luck, make sure you fish out the dead fry. Also is this a more exotic species?
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    Help Please - Identify

    The fishes eyes seem cloudy
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    I Guess The Cycle Is Done

    I started my 20 Gallon US on Last Friday. Today my reading were Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10 ph 7.4 Temp 80 F This was done with 20 gallons of water from my main tank along with a whole gluval 204 filter with media. And some sand from main tank
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    Treating A Scaleless Fish

    I'm not too sure but I think the only true scale less fish is a SW shark
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    Particulate Fever

    Thanks for the tip, I didn't even put it for 5 minutes since it seemed it wasn;t sucking enough
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    Small Bacteria Bloom Question

    Ok sorry just tested right now Ammonia - 0 NitrITE- 0 NitrATE- 10 Ph - 7.4 No this is like very tiny stuff. The more water changes I do, the smaller the amount. So in a few days it should dissapear. It doesn;t hurt the fish so all iss well for now
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    Particulate Fever

    nevermind found the root of the problem. It was the subsrate for a live plant. Java moss. It kept on realising small bits of the substarte. Took it back to the store and got a refund, I would keep it but I don't want to add fertilizer. Thinking it might add a new source of food for future algae
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    Small Bacteria Bloom Question

    Tank was seeded with 20 gallons of water full filter some sand substrate from top layer. Fish have been in the water since monday all readings are 0. Considerable amount of waste has been rotting. Did a small gravel vac today.
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    Help Please - Identify

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    Particulate Fever

    Hey I have some particlates in my water and I can't find the polyiester batting. So I was wondering If I can use a small wad of kitchen towl on the intake of my fluval 204. For maybe 30 minutes to an hour.