Does Anyone Reccomend These?

ok my water is pretty milky Should I do a water change even though jose told me not to? Also should I have the light on or off during this bloom?
never mind i called Jose my LFS guy and asked him what the hell was happening. He said you got a bacteria bloom cuz you added too much fish. Even though your cycles is done the bacteria colonies need to catch up. He also said try not to use chems like Cycle, because it would have been much better 2 weeks ago when you started it.

Also do no more water changes for 2 weeks. Feed sparingly and such.

So I thank you guys for your troubles and my self idiotism ( is that even a word?). So I will just wait this out for a week and a half or so.

but if you are having a bacteria bloom then i thought it was prudent that you do water changes ??
or am i wrong :*)
also if you did a fishless cycle i thought you could fully stock your tank from the start without any problem to the bacteria you have built up.
so maybe just a bacteria bloom that needs regular water changes, i do apologise if i'm wrong just trying to help :D
:blink: lol, you know Trance you have to be the rudest person I've ever encountered. People can only help so much if they arent provided with all of the facts and even then no one here is the god of fishkeeping, we just make suggestions based on what you tell us.

So please do try not to be quite so abrupt with everyone who tries to give you a helping hand.
Sorry it' just that I have never gotten NTS before and I don't know what to do. Som say use cycle, other no water changes anymore let the milk kill itself, other say do water changes daily.

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