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  1. K

    What's The Biggest Freshwater Aquarium Fish You've Ever Seen?

    I saw a 20'' pacu and a 15'' oscar the other day. not to mention my friends enormous 17'' pleco.
  2. K

    Has Anyone Seem Two Males Battle It Out?

    I don't want to sound cruel but its pretty weird how they just fight like crazy. Anybody seen it happen?
  3. K

    A Few Pics You May Like

    wow, and look at all the neons with that monster of a fish!
  4. K

    How Big Will A King Tiger Pleco Get To?

    thanx. at my local LFS they have it just named king tiger pleco. i wish true zebra plecos were less expensive!
  5. K

    Do Fish Sleeep?

    yup, they go into a resting state, i've experienced it with all my fish they rest on the bottom and don't move. my neons even lose all there color when they rest ,and become pale purple! but, in the morning their natural color revitalises like nothing happened. i wish my eyes could do that in...
  6. K

    Can I Add A Gourami To My Tank? Advice Needed!

    6 barbs= 12'' of fish (adult size of fish combined) 6 guppies= 12'' of fish (again, adult sized combined) 12 neons= 12'' of fish 4 angelfish= 15-20'' of fish oh, boy. you can't add any fish. you're quite over the fish length rule which i mentioned earlier. you've got 51-56'' of fish when...
  7. K

    How Big Will A King Tiger Pleco Get To?

    Just wanted to know.
  8. K

    Can I Add A Gourami To My Tank? Advice Needed!

    how many guppies? angelfish? neon? barbs? 2,3,4,5,6,7? how many of each? then we can get an idea if you can add other fish.
  9. K

    Can I Add A Gourami To My Tank? Advice Needed!

    First of all how big is your tank because you don't want to over crowd it. 1" of fish per gallon is highly recommended. Gouramis are peaceful fish for the most part and would not eat any of your smaller fish. But, be careful as the angelfish and the normal sized-gouramis may be a little...
  10. K

    Is The Red-tailed Shark Aggresive...

    Okay, thanx for the advice. ya, im planning on getting a tank between 45 and 55 gallon near christmas time. It will be a community tank with a variety of fish. My "center piece" will be a blood parrot cichlid. I know it way be semi-aggresive but i'll ensure many hiding spots!
  11. K

    What Other Fish Should I Get To Complement My Tank.

    Hmmmm...maybe you could add a shoal of harlequin rasboras or a rainbow shark. NO! Painted glassfish are injected with dyes! Do not get, it is cruel!
  12. K

    Is The Red-tailed Shark Aggresive...

    Thanks for you input and I was planning to have alot of caves, log ornaments and plants. So, would a RTS shark be interested in bothering a pair of glass catfish. It kind of resembles the shape a little bit.
  13. K

    Whats Going On In My Tank.....

    Possible problems: over-feeding, filter needs to be replaced, algae or "slime" growth, not so frequent water changes and little volumes taken out and replaced(20-25% every week is key), and yes, you could have a broken filter.
  14. K

    Die Snails, Die!

    You could have several pieces of cucumber or lettuce attached to string and bait them that way. Multiple traps work better then one. When the snails latch on to the food, bring em up!
  15. K

    Is The Red-tailed Shark Aggresive...

    no way! you've got to be kidding...i'm just thinking for a future tank. Will it be aggresive to the other fish I listed.
  16. K

    Newbie And Needed Help

    From my knowledge the perfect fish for the the job are gold barbs. They eat it like crazy. But, I don't know if you'd want to risk introducing an aggresive, fin-nipping fish to your aquarium, up to you.
  17. K

    Kamikaze Apple Snail

    that's super sweet! its pretty cool! my orange-blonde tux guppy rides up and down the bubbles of my air pump!
  18. K

    Is The Red-tailed Shark Aggresive...

    Will it harrass gold pristella tetras, corys or otos (the small ones)?
  19. K

    Can I Layer Gravel And Sand On The Bottom Of A Tank?

    what i mean by sand being kicked up is when i pour water in my tank the force of it reaches the bottom so will it make the sand go up in the water. do you get what im saying? is that ok for the fish with all sand floatin around for a bit?
  20. K

    What Fish Have You Been After For So Long

    A beautiful discus! Only one FS in my area has them but i'm on a tight budget and don't want to pay $170 CAD ($150 US), for one.:(
  21. K

    Can I Layer Gravel And Sand On The Bottom Of A Tank?

    What about coarse sand and small gravel? Will that help the sinking? Also just curious, when you have a completely sand bottom and do water changes, doesn't all the sand kick up from the bottom and cloud the aquarium?
  22. K

    Powerball Jackpot

    I'd completely deck out out one room with aquariums! But these will cover every single square inch of florr/wall/ceiling! Marine aquariums on the walls and freshwater on the ceiling and floor! Every where you!!!
  23. K

    Do You Prefer Fewer Large Fish In A Tank Or More Small Ones?

    Great opinions everyone!!! But does anybody really like single specie tanks?
  24. K

    Need A New Species In Our 20 Gallon. Ideas?

    With 3 platies and a small group of harlequins there is alot of possibility. First of all, keep in mind that you platies will give birth and the fry will become adults, this will take some space. Remember the 1" of fish per U.S. gallon when adding fish to your aquarium. You can have about 2-3''...
  25. K

    Do You Prefer Fewer Large Fish In A Tank Or More Small Ones?

    Less large fish or more small ones???? (or a combo of both) Single species tank or community???? I'd pick a community tank with a combo of small and large fish!
  26. K

    46 Gallon Community Aquarium Opinions

    I'm making a whole new set-up (basically) it'll take some time to think of it though!
  27. K

    What Is Peat Filtered Water?

    "Peat filtered water" will also reduce the general harness as well.
  28. K

    What ''bottom-feeder'' Should I Get?

    ok. i'll probably chose one of the loaches besides a clown (maybe a khuli or yo-yo) or a "bottom" shark. hafta see if my LFS has the fish first!
  29. K

    Angelfish Help Needed

    As for tetras i'll probably get some bleeding hearts or black skirts or this blue/pink kind at my LFS. They get up to 2'' so angels eating em will be no problem. Dwarf gouramis and angelfish i learned are perfectly fine together. Also, all i need to add a parrot cichlid is a hiding spot or two...
  30. K

    Angelfish Help Needed

    so, i could have 2 gouramis, a parrot cichlid and 2 angelfish in the same tank (with other peaceful comunity fish like tetras e.t.c)? They will all be relatively the same size. But I'd need hiding spots like logs, caves and vegetation because they're territorial. am i right?
  31. K

    What ''bottom-feeder'' Should I Get?

    ok, that's weird, i thought they were able to live in freshwater. oh well.
  32. K

    46 Gallon Community Aquarium Opinions

    ok, i agree. from what i heard im not going to include the angelfish or cory. but, i still really love the parrot cichlidand dwarf gouramis so im staying with it. i just need a lot of dense vegetation and hiding spots like logs and caves, right?
  33. K

    2 Gal Tank

    2 balloon mollies or 2 platies (or 1 of each) with a shrimp or snail. any thoughts ok. maybe add a ADF, they're so cool!
  34. K

    46 Gallon Community Aquarium Opinions

    parrot cichlids are timid fish which need a place to hide. if they don't, they will be a bit pushy though. any thoughts about the angelfish?
  35. K

    Ever Catch A Lfs....

    When I was on a trip I stopped at a FS and they had an otocinclus which was suposively a neon tetra! And they were so sure the oto was a neon...I even told them!
  36. K

    Angelfish Help Needed

    Hi, in my other post I said I was creating a community tank (few monthes) and want to know if i can buy 2 angelfish and introduce them. Is that ok. I heard its good to buy a group and let em pair off but why not buy 2 that seem nice together. I will not have the room for a group. Also, is it ok...
  37. K

    What ''bottom-feeder'' Should I Get?

    what about a colombian shark?
  38. K

    46 Gallon Community Aquarium Opinions

    First of all, I haven't set up my aquarium, and secondly, I have done some changes to my set-up. I thank you dor your advice so I have decided not to add the clown loach. Also, in my 5 gal., my cory is fine by itself. My friends have said the same thing, no problems. As for territory, I am...
  39. K

    What ''bottom-feeder'' Should I Get?

    super duper! any pics u guys?