Powerball Jackpot


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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Say you win the Powerball Jackpot (Todays estimated Jackpot $157 Million).
What would you do with it?

There was another one of these threads going around, but it was only like 1k. Be creative. Its a lot of money!

I'd build a monsterous house out in CA with a Shark tank in the floor of they foyer! In The Living room I'd do 2 floor-ceiling tanks on 2 opposite facing walls so it looked almost like a mirror - except have one FW and the other SW. I'd buy a Hummer H1 and customize it with 3 captians chairs in the back and 28" dubs... That looks so cool.
With whatever I had left I'd invest in realestate and open up a chain pet store.
I'd buy a house and make a sealife centre just for me with rays and sharks and turtles! And I'd upgrade so my featherfin can have a HUGE tank!
And I'd buy this house for my mum so she didnt have to worry about paying rent.
with that much, you wouldn't see me for dust - small tropical island, with it's own coral reef, animal sanctuary, and a wine cellar. perfect :D
Build a swimming pool surrounded by a fish tank on all sides but the top. So I can in a sense swim with my fish, but won't get attacked by the big ones. :p

Build a similar tank in my bedroom ceiling so I can fall asleep watching fish.
I'd completely deck out out one room with aquariums! But these will cover every single square inch of florr/wall/ceiling! Marine aquariums on the walls and freshwater on the ceiling and floor! Every where you look...fish!!!
I remember asking a "not-so-bright" friend the same question. Her reply: "Oh I would go and buy a million tickets, then I would have more chance of winning the jackpot again!" :/

I have always liked the idea of having an aquarium bathroom, you know the ones you can get around the sink and the bath and in the walls........ :hyper:
I'd buy a deserted island.......

......and send all the betta keepers there with no boat to get back on.
I remember asking a "not-so-bright" friend the same question. Her reply: "Oh I would go and buy a million tickets, then I would have more chance of winning the jackpot again!" :/

Haha! Wow, no comment ;)

If I had that much money, I would buy my dream house (more accurately, have it built) in Arizona, on a 500 acre ranch. There would be a tank or two in every room, and one room would be The Fish Room.
I would also need to set up a marine tank, because my boyfriend enjoys those.

Also, I would have a huge pond on my property, so I can finally get that RTCF I have always dreamt of :wub:

With that money, I don't think I would own a tank that was less than 200 gallons. It would just seem silly to :p
CFC, if you wanna buy me a deserted island, that's fine, but i don't share well :shifty:

that much money? i'd do something boring like entirely pay off my school loans. dunno what i'd do with the rest, depends if i'm in a spending mood or a saving mood. I can be pretty tight fisted. I guess I wouldn't worry too much about fish, really, cuz being a betta keeper i'd be on CFC's island, so i'd have the biggest marine aquarium of all, and I wouldn't have to pay for it or care for it. :lol:

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