Ever Catch A Lfs....


Fish Herder
Jul 21, 2006
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So i just did a stop by at one of My LFS for a quick scan. Not really expecting something. maybe some more plants. And then I notice3d a new freshwater shipment. I thought "yay! khulis!" which there were none. There were, however, two eels in. A tyre Track... and... what was labled a fire eel. I instantly recognized what it was, as I have one. It was a peacock eel....

So yay, now I have two peacock eels, as they like friends.

But have you ever seen your more skilled LFS misname something like that?
When I was on a trip I stopped at a FS and they had an otocinclus which was suposively a neon tetra! And they were so sure the oto was a neon...I even told them!
that pet store had to have been a walmart or something :crazy:
More a case of not naming fish atall.
I went into a LFS on a bank holiday the other week (a terrible experience, details of which I have already posted previously), and on the majority of tanks were signs like "Mixed fish - £3.50 each or £5.00 for two". Hardly very informative, especially for the inexpericed fishkeeper.
My LFS once had rummynose tetras labelled as 'runny'nose tetras....

EDIT: And many stores around here call crowntail bettas 'clown'tails...
My LFS once had rummynose tetras labelled as 'runny'nose tetras....

EDIT: And many stores around here call crowntail bettas 'clown'tails...

Well, you could see how clown tail might sound quite attractive (a sort of Nemo betta :lol: . But runny noses.... :unsure:

The big shop where I got my tank are usually quite good, but I noticed that the tank labelled pearl danios often contains a mixture of pearls, giant danios and moustached danios, and the staff really don't seem to know the difference. A difference that might seem of some importance, seeing that moustached danios grow several times the size of pearls, and need a tank many times the size of a pearl tank.
Nope, my LFS 'virtually' always get the name right, latin and common. I haven't seen any mistakes, except for hard species to get true ID's on.
I Bought A "Banjo Catfish" And The Next Week They Were Called "Cuckoo Catfish"

I Found Out Myself That They Are Hoplo Cats :p

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