Newbie And Needed Help


New Member
Sep 16, 2006
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Hi all --

two months ago I set up a new 29 gallon frashwater fishtank. Things are working out great and all fish are in great health and are getting along well! The tank is full of live plants, which seem to be in decent shape (some are growing nicely). However, over the past few weeks I noticed some abnormal (?) algea groth: most of the plants are covered by black hair, which looks like algae. The algae eater don't seem to like or eat these algea.

Is this something I need to worry about? If so, how can I get rid of the "black hair" algae?
Below is a description of my setup, plus a picture.



29 gallon
65 watt "white" light,
65 watt blue light,
AquaClear 50 water filter
Lots of airation

20 neon tetras
9 danio zebras
2 angel fish
2 gouramis (male plus female, not sure what they are, see the picture: its the two fish in the middle)
2 algea eater

see picture, many swords (tall and small), and others ...
From my knowledge the perfect fish for the the job are gold barbs. They eat it like crazy. But, I don't know if you'd want to risk introducing an aggresive, fin-nipping fish to your aquarium, up to you.
some plants can safely be taken out and cleaned. well thats what my friend does every now and then he takes some water out of the tank on a water change and uses it to wipe the plants clean he has never had many problems doing this tho he only does them slowly and 1 each week as he does not want 2 cause stress to his fish tho this might not be the best way 2 approch this lol just thought i would let u know an alternative ways rater then adding gold barbs cos sounds 2 me like u got a pretty full tank

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