Angelfish Help Needed


Fish Crazy
Sep 11, 2006
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Hi, in my other post I said I was creating a community tank (few monthes) and want to know if i can buy 2 angelfish and introduce them. Is that ok. I heard its good to buy a group and let em pair off but why not buy 2 that seem nice together. I will not have the room for a group. Also, is it ok if it will be with a pair of dwarf gouramis and a parrot cichlid.

The fish should get along if all the other fish are the size of (or bigger) the angel fish. And 2 angels are fine aslong as they are the same size.
so, i could have 2 gouramis, a parrot cichlid and 2 angelfish in the same tank (with other peaceful comunity fish like tetras e.t.c)? They will all be relatively the same size. But I'd need hiding spots like logs, caves and vegetation because they're territorial. am i right?
I read in a previous post that if you don't have the room to let themselves pair off, you should go to the LFS and pick ones that look like they're already paired off in the tank (i.e. swimming side by side with each other).
As for tetras i'll probably get some bleeding hearts or black skirts or this blue/pink kind at my LFS. They get up to 2'' so angels eating em will be no problem. Dwarf gouramis and angelfish i learned are perfectly fine together. Also, all i need to add a parrot cichlid is a hiding spot or two. Glad to find a solution, yay!

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