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  1. N

    I Need Some Instructions On Water Changes!

    Yeah, definitely don't get any fish this weekend...this hobby is NOT for the impatient!
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    Droopy Leather ( Devils Hand )

    What was it like when you got it? My devils finger did this just recently. They do this from time to time, they slough off a layer of mucous, and then inflate fully again afterwards. Just keep water flow over/around it to help it shed the mucous. It could also just be adjusting to your tanks...
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    Free Giveaway - 15 Liter Buckets

    The wife is having her induction day on the 24th Sept, so I could go down with her, and bring the buckets then (how many do you want? I have loads) Or if you can't wait, I could see how much they'll cost to post. Any other takers? :)
  4. N

    Free Giveaway - 15 Liter Buckets

    I don't know, They aren't heavy, but they are bulky. They do stack tho. At a guess, they may only cost a few quid to post...i don't think it'll cost more than a many would you like? As you are in Sheffield, I could probably drop em off for you as my other half is starting her phd...
  5. N

    Free Giveaway - 15 Liter Buckets

    FREE!!! :hyper: Do any of you lot want some 15 liter plastic buckets that have carrier handles and snap tight lids? I have loads of them (I run my car on used vegetable oil, and this is what the oil comes in...the place I get it from don't want the buckets.) They're ideal for storing RO...
  6. N

    I Need Some Instructions On Water Changes!

    Don't use tap or well water. It's really best to use RO (reverse osmosis) water. You have no idea what's in your tap water - it may for example contain a high amount of copper, which will kill all your inverts and damage your live rock. OTOH, you could get your water tested for stuff like pH...
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    Salt Mixes Comparisons

    Ditto! :good:
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    Waaaaagh! Dead Damsels

    CRY! :-( I think we have THE worst luck with damsel fish... I first introduced a yellow tail damsel to our newly established tank. The water parms were fine, (zero ammonia, zero nitrite, zero phosphate) and it already housed two clowns and a couple of shrimps and snails, all of which were...
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    My Sump Design

    I have a syphon system in my setup and its floods. I have a syphon into the sump, and a canister filter to suck the water out of the sump and push it back into the display tank. If you do your sums right, then you can set it up so that if the return pump fails, the syphon will stop...
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    Danno's Nanos And Pico Journal

    I've just been through every page of this thread what a read...well done! :band: Now I wonder if I can convince my health and safety person at work to have a nano on my desk....
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    Did My Ricordea Just Poop?!

    It's expelling the zooxanthellae algae within it; a similar thing happened to my whisker coral:
  12. N

    Come On, Is It That Hard? I Want To Try My Hand At Sw With A 20gal

    Welcome to the saltie side! :) It's generally recommended to add all the live rock (LR) into your tank in one go, if you can afford to buy it all in one go - then it will all cure together. Adding LR in stages is fine, but be aware that each time you do, you will cause ammonia & nitrite spikes...
  13. N

    Id My Crabby Hitchiker Please

    Are there any fish that'll eat these things? I have a bicolour dottyback, a yellow bellied damsel, a couple of clowns and a yellow tang...what about shrimps? will they eat this pest? excuse me while i go and bash my head against a brick wall...repeatedly for being so dumb! :-(
  14. N

    Id My Crabby Hitchiker Please

    Oh, that's just of those came in on a colony of zoos I just got... :unsure: :crazy: It looked weird and interesting, so i let it walk away..... AAAAAAAARRGHHH!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAARRRGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. N

    Refugium/sump: Syphoning Instead Of Drilling?

    Yeah, I know...I thought I might have knackered the cannister filter.... :blush: I'm going to replace it further down the line with a proper water pump, e.g. a newjet...I'm also going to tweak the syphon, by fitting an overflow weir in the corner, so I can get all the surface gunk off, and feed...
  16. N

    Refugium/sump: Syphoning Instead Of Drilling?

    Well Ski....that scenario has already happened to me...the syphon failed because a piece of nori got sucked down the syphon and blocked the stopvalve. The refugium drained but the tank did not flood - not enough water for it to do so. When I got home that evening, the cannister filter was...
  17. N

    Refugium/sump: Syphoning Instead Of Drilling?

    There's no risk of flooding if the return pump fails if you do your sums right and have a big enough sump with enough space, and position the syphon close enough to the water surface so that if it should happen, the syphon will stop before a flood occurs... :good:
  18. N

    Whisker Coral Excreting Red Goo

    Ah, OK, thanks for that. The coral has 'recovered' and is fully expanded's looking really good! I'm glad I got it! :good: here's a pic of said coral:
  19. N

    Whisker Coral Excreting Red Goo

    I got a whisker (euphyllia) coral over the weekend, it's been doing great, after being in my tank for 24 hours, it expanded to over twice what it was in the lfs, and it's been like that ever since. However tonight, I checked the tank to see one set of polyps shrunk up tightly, and what seemed to...
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    Refugium/sump: Syphoning Instead Of Drilling?

    Has anyone here set up a refugium or sump by using a syphon, rather than drilling their tank?
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    Cleaner Shrimp

    My cleaner shrimp cleans the yellow tang we have, and has just started cleaning the yellow bellied damsel we got a few days ago. The clowns and the bicolour dottyback don't go near it, however.
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    My 4 Line Cleaner Wrasse Is Cleaning Ich

    That's excellent. :) I used to have a cleaner wrasse in my first marine setup, many many moons was fascinating to watch it pick 'n clean the other fish in the tank, and the fish would stay totally still while it did its job. I now have a cleaner shrimp, and my yellow tang is a regular...
  23. N

    Please Help - I Am Useless

    Your phosphate levels should be zero. Ideally, your nitrate levels should also be zero.
  24. N

    Please Help - I Am Useless

    Hi, what are your phosphate and nitrate levels like? if you don't know then get some test kits, and report the results back on here...
  25. N

    Newb To Sw Looking For Some General Pointers

    I guess if you live near the coast you could always make your own LR, but getting some porous rock like chalk (plenty in Kent!) or limestone, and dropping it in the sea for 6 months or so... :good: (hopefully any potential nasties in the rock will have leached out by then....)
  26. N

    Newb To Sw Looking For Some General Pointers

    That's really good to hear. There are too many fools who just want to rush into things and can't wait...and then wonder why all their fish are dead....! :grr: After adding your LR, you don't need to do anything...the LR will cycle itself. Just get an ammonia and nitrite test kit, and follow...
  27. N

    My 55 Gallon Saltwater Aquarium

    Yeah, and look what you've've killed your fish, and all that money is wasted..... Geez, dude. :no: If you want to rush things, then this hobby is not for you. 1) Buy enough LR for your tank 2) Buy ammonia and nitrite test kits Get a spreadsheet together, and record your results...
  28. N

    Newb To Sw Looking For Some General Pointers

    I think you have things pretty much covered, you have done your research...good! :good: I would drop the Live Sand (LS), as in my opinion this is snake oil and a waste of money...your LR will 'seed' the aragonite sand in time anyways. Better to put your money elsewhere. As for the cannister...
  29. N

    Nitrates High In 2 Week Old Tank!

    What water is your source? RO or tap water? High nitrates in a 2 week old tank is unusual. If I were you, I'd test your water source for nitrates. Don't even start thinking about adding fish unit your tank has fully cycled - where you have one week of consistently 0 ppm nitrites and 0 ppm...
  30. N

    Dwarf Lionfish

    Another lionfish? :nod:
  31. N

    Lava Rock

    Lava rock, I assume you mean volcanic (igneous stuff)....I wouldn't - it can contain heavy metals and other minerals which could leach out into the water. However, the high pH of a marine aquariium can mitigate this - metals leaching out is much more of a problem with acidic water.
  32. N


    The salinity is generally about 33 grams per litre, or 330 grams per 10 litres, it can vary from ocean to ocean. Some metric kitchen scales should see you right, or you could get a digital scale.... In old money, that's ounce = 28.35, 1 litre(er) is um 4.54...
  33. N


    Yeah, that's what I do! a lot better than '1/2 cup per gallon'! :rolleyes:
  34. N

    One Reef Pest Eats Another Reef Pest...

    Hehehehehehe!...I was feeding my fish this evening, when I noticed something pink in the middle of an aiptasia anemome I have in our tank. Turns out to be a bristleworm! :good: I never thought an aiptasia would eat them?
  35. N

    One Reef Pest Eats Another Reef Pest...

    Hehehehehehe!...I was feeding my fish this evening, when I noticed something pink in the middle of an aiptasia anemome I have in our tank. Turns out to be a bristleworm! :good: I never thought an aiptasia would eat them?
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    My 55 Gallon Saltwater Aquarium

    Aren't you going to add some live rock? It looks really bare and empty....
  37. N

    Getting Newbies To Eat :(

    Heh...OK. :good: One thing you could do instead, as Dorkhedeoss suggested, is get a garlic press and just squeeze the juice into the water and mix that in. I have a yellow tang and she happily tucks into the pieces of garlic - you might have an issue with the uneaten garlic pieces rotting if...
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    Getting Newbies To Eat :(

    Garlic. Try fresh garlic. Do you have any fresh cloves? Get some aquarium water in a cup, put some flake food in it, then chop up a clove of garlic really fine, and put this in as well. Give it all a good stir and let it sit for a few minutes, then pour it into the tank. Garlic enhances the...
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    Depends if you're French or not! :D
  40. N

    About To Dive Into The World Of Marine.. Suggestions Welcomed!

    Yeah, it's my opinion also that 'live sand' is a waste of money....snake oil. better to just spend the money on live rock instead.