Newb To Sw Looking For Some General Pointers

Yeah, to the best of my knowledge, there's no way to tell if there are any UK LR farmers. If you're in the States you can order farmed LR from a few places, but I dont know of any UK stores. You asked about the aquamedic tanks... They're phenomenal plug-and-play setups. Expensive, but great equipment.
There is a 6 month old Aquamedic 120 for sell about an hour away from me for £500 which seems like a steal.
I guess if you live near the coast you could always make your own LR, but getting some porous rock like chalk (plenty in Kent!) or limestone, and dropping it in the sea for 6 months or so... :good:
(hopefully any potential nasties in the rock will have leached out by then....)

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