Salt Mixes Comparisons


Fish Aficionado
Oct 28, 2006
Reaction score
Kent, UK
Not a massive post but speaking as a newbie I thought this might be handy for other people in the same boat that are not sure which brand of salt mix to go for and what the differences are.

Link one:
Quick check sheet on recommend "ideal" water parameters for a reef set up. This would be most likely be adjusted depending on what you have but as a newbie its a good range to aim for. It also explains what each element in the water is and what effect it has in a marine aquarium.

Link two:
Comparison of the elements in the most popular brand name salt mixes. Shame it doesnt give you an exact value but when combined with the above it gives you a better idea about what each brand offers and what bits are good.

Link three:
3rd party comparison of most of the major brands, not just looking at the trace elements but actual useage.

Anyway hope thats helps anyone that is in the same position as me and is just getting started.
Yep think thats what I'm going to go for as well and just dose calcium later if needed.
Plain old IO here with additives for the "big 3" dosed...
I had difficulties deciding which salt to buy.. I ended up going for seachem reef salt as it sounded good and was cheap. I read one of those articles when I was trying to decide but after reading it was as undecided as I was when I began reading so I decided to pretty much flip a coin and just go for it.
i use reef crystals, i like it, calcium is about average with it (360-400), i just dose some kalk with it to bring the calcium a bit higher.
I had difficulties deciding which salt to buy.. I ended up going for seachem reef salt as it sounded good and was cheap. I read one of those articles when I was trying to decide but after reading it was as undecided as I was when I began reading so I decided to pretty much flip a coin and just go for it.

Same here. there doesnt seem to be one particular brand that stands out above the rest. Going for IO just because I can get it locally :)

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