Cleaner Shrimp


Nov 28, 2006
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i have two cleaner shrmip and they are active but lazy

i have white spot and my 2 shrimp dont seem to jump on the fish they jsut clean the rock but i rang a lfs about whitespot and he said get 2 c.shrimp i said i got some already but they dont seem to bother the fish atall and he said his jump every were on his fish and that mine could be lazy

so are your cleaner shrimp lazy or do they help out your fish?
Mines not lazy its just in with the tomato clown from hell that wont let anything near it or its Ive never seen it attempt to clean it or the blenny but he does clean the hemits which is quite cute to watch :)
Cleaner shrimp do appear lazy. I bought 3 cleaner shrimp (one vanished) to deal with the whitespot that I had a few months back. The cleaners wouldn't do a thing, despite me not feeding them. The fireshrimp on the other hand seemed to love cleaning the tangs. He was actually the first and only shrimp the tangs would go to and he did do a good job.

I have noticed though that the skunk cleaners will run about the tank and almost hunt down my clownfish after lights out. The light of my monitor reveals them jumping on my clownfish

Investing in a couple of fireshrimp might be a good idea Lee. They really seem to be more confident when approached by larger fish and are very beautiful to look at with their vibrant red colouration and stark white limbs.

One thing I would note and it may be isolated but, the skunk cleaners seem to prefer cleaning the smaller fish. I saw only 3 days ago the blue damsel going up to them and having his mouth picked clean by the skunks and they actively seem to run over to the clownfish and check them over without the clowns going to them.

Tangs, being a lot, lot bigger, might explain why the cleaners won't approach them or clean them.

Give it a try. Its a good excuse to get some gorgeous shrimp lol :p

I have a fireshrimp, to skunks and a peppermint all in the same tank.
My cleaner shrimp hangs out on the heater, and when I put my hand in the tank he immediately comes over and starts cleaning it. I don't have any fish yet.
I've heard that sometimes they stop their cleaning habit because they have another (easier) source of food.

makes sence 2 me :nod: cleaner wont clean fish either :no: . he did @ first when i introduced him in to the tank. :blink: only lasted 2 days :grr: .
I've seen my cleaner shrimp clean some of the fish when it was reletevely young but since its now fully grown it hasn't been as active.
My cleaner shrimp cleans the yellow tang we have, and has just started cleaning the yellow bellied damsel we got a few days ago. The clowns and the bicolour dottyback don't go near it, however.

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