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  1. G

    Amano Extreme Tank

    not sure what i would put in it but.........gimmee gimmee gimmee oh please :D
  2. G

    My new queen arebesque

    WOW That is one cool looking baby :kana: :cool: :clap: I am so glad to see that you finally got her. I know you have been waiting for what seems like forever. Way to go. ;) keep sending us pics i want to see her floating in your tank.
  3. G


    Joby, Do i get this condensation tray at the lfs? I have to go there tommorow anyway because I need to pick up a couple of big fat female guppies because i have to many males :wub: compared to females in my tank. :blink: Darn i just makes me feel soooooo bad i have to go to the lfs. :rofl...
  4. G


    joby, hey cool thanks for the information i will try it. It also seems to keep the fry away from the parents and bigger fish, is that right.
  5. G


    oh yes it is me again........I have a 55 gallon tank. Can i divide it for my pregnant guppies? Please let me know the best way to do this and how much to divide and is it a good idea? thanks again guys.
  6. G

    guppy ratio

    ok guys i knew i could count on you. My lfs sells them in pairs so, two more females it is. I am hoping to set up a new 10 gallon tank soon just for guppy fry. Then i will put them in my 55 gallon tank. This sure is an addicting hobby you always think you need more fish so when you need more...
  7. G

    guppy ratio

    ok guys as we all know i am trying to breed my guppies. :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: Here is what i Have so far......2 males and 4 females. All four of my females are about ready to drop but, i do not think they will go at the same time. Let me know what you...
  8. G

    When Do Guppy Fry Get Their Color?

    Yeah, I vote for guppies, they are my favorite. :rolleyes: B) I have a female that i watched her have her fry then I was able to save four of them and went out the next day and bought a 2 gallon hex tank to put them in. they are really neat to watch. I have three more pregnant ones in my 55...
  9. G

    I AM A GRANDMA!!!!!!!!!!!&

    how cool is that? Good for you and Happy Valentines Day :wub: :wub: :wub: :cool: :cool: :cool: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :whistle:
  10. G

    Guppy fry?

    ok thanks guys I think i will wait a little bit longer and see what happens. :) :)
  11. G

    how would you like to work here?

    please somebody send me an application QUICK. That is what i call way cool. They could hire me just to take care of the tanks.. It would be an all day job just for that. :o :rolleyes: :D
  12. G

    When Do Guppy Fry Get Their Color?

    i am sorry to hear that your tank looks so empty :S Maybe you have the problem taken care of so when you add more fish they will be just fine. :) Keep me posted and let me know what is up ok. :D ;)
  13. G

    When Do Guppy Fry Get Their Color?

    Hey there Sasha, Did you get your tank fixed from where all of your fish were dying? If so did add more fish yet? Please let me know? :) :D :rolleyes:
  14. G

    Guppy fry?

    I have four guppy fry in a 2 gallon tank. They are 3 weeks old and seem to be very healthy. I have a 55 gallon community tank. When is the best time to add them in the community tank? I also have a dwarf frog and a few bigger fish in my tank. I do not want my fry eaten but, i want to put...
  15. G

    new guppy fry

  16. G

    guppy fry

    i just found out my frog is an african dwarf frog. :D
  17. G

    Guppy behaviour

    yeah that is a godd idea keep it simple get to know your tank then see what happens
  18. G

    Aquatic Frogs

    thank you all so much :kana: :whistle: :hyper: :D I was the one wondering about the frogs. I go alot of information and i really appreciate it. My frog is a dwarf frog. I only have one now the other passed on :byebye: . so now i only have one demon dwarf frog -_- . so did my demon frog...
  19. G

    guppy fry

    i am not really sure, i know it has the webbed feet and is pretty small. the reason i call them demon frogs is because they ate my guppyfry. they were hiding in the babyhideout waiting for mama to get done and i could not get to them quick enough to save them :crazy: :sad: :byebye:
  20. G

    What fish do you find addictive??

    i would have to say my guppies. I have four baby fry and three pregnangt in my tank they are so pretty and I am trying to breed them. :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:
  21. G

    I have money...

    good for you :flex: I would get my fish ata lfs instead of walmart. that is just my opinion. i would hate for you to have your tank setup and something wrong with your fish. you do have some good ideas. good luck and let us know when you have it setup and going. :) :P :rolleyes:
  22. G

    Is one tank enough?

    yeah i started with a 55 gallon tank, oh it was so cool at first the i saw them cute little guppy fry so, I had to have a 2 gallon to put them in. Now all i want is a 10 gallon just for fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is an obsession i must say! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  23. G

    guppy fry

    I have a question??????????? How do you keep guppyfry from being eaten by demon frogs? I have plants and a babyhidout but I think my frogs get to them before i do. Do frogs always eat the fry? Does anyone separate their tank and turn a small part into a nursery? How do you do it? I have a...
  24. G

    Guppy behaviour

    you are right guppygirly i did not think about that one. whew imagine the fry in that tank. :P
  25. G

    pregnant guppy

    :( i am sorry to hear that. :sad: :-( :byebye: . it could have been a number of things. stress, water temp, chemical levels. how long has your tank been cycled? How many males do you have?
  26. G

    9 Fish Gone in Days!

    you might also want to add something called proquatics water conditioner. it contains aloe vera and helps in the healing of damaged fish tissue. you can find it at the lfs. it is also known as a stress reducer. please let us know how things are going. good luck
  27. G


    You know you are a fishahlic when........ you talk baby talk to your fish. When you have a 55 gallon tank a 2 gallon tank and are wanting another 10 gallon tank. When you cant go to the lfs and not come out with fish and something else for your tanks. :blink: :P :D :alien: :fun...
  28. G

    My fish Pics

    :kewlpics: those are some awesome looking tanks and fish
  29. G

    Guppy behaviour

    Tenko, Do you plan on adding any female guppies in your tank for the males? They may get bored and fight with one another if you dont. lol :crazy: :unsure: -_- :rolleyes: :D :hey:
  30. G

    It helps if you post your location...

    that is a good idea. i did not have my location in my profile but now i guess i will thanks guys.
  31. G

    Another Newbie !!

    hey there and welcome. we all had to start somewhere so ask away..... :D
  32. G


    way to go on your baby fry. Watch them grow it is great
  33. G

    Guppy behaviour

    bills junkie, i have question for you..... I noticed that you have frogs in your tank. How do you keep your frogs from eating your guppy fry. I had guppy fry in my tank before i separated them and my demon frogs had a feast lol.
  34. G

    she breeds

    you might want to try putting a baby hidout in your tank for the fry to hide and maybe a few more plants. The mother will eat the fry if they have no where to hide. Then you will need to separate the fry from the other fish untill they get a little bit bigger. hope this helps. any more...
  35. G

    Baby Guppies!!!!

    good luck with your baby fry. They are so much fun to watch. I have four of them in a two gallon hex and they are really starting to grow. I am working on getting some more but it seems like it is a slow moving process for me.
  36. G

    pregnant guppy

    i have a babyhidout at the top of my tank and all of my guppies seem to hang out there. Her gravel spot will get really black and her stomach will look like this\----/. She will probably also stay in the same spot and not move to much before she gets ready to have them. hope this helps.
  37. G


    hello and welcome. There is always an answer to every question so just ask I am sure we can find you the answers.
  38. G

    Hello, newbie here

    hey there and welcome to the forum. I am sure you will get all the help you need.
  39. G

    new member

    welcome and good luck with your tank.
  40. G


    hey that is way cool. My guppy had her fry about 3 weeks ago so i put them in a 2 gallon hex of their own. It is so much fun to watch them grow. The only reason i got four is my DEMON frogs ate the rest lol. Good luck with them