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  1. L

    Has Anyone Ever Kept A Male & Female Together?

    I'd love to see pics of them. This is a first for me!
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    Little Nemo Diary

    Nice little diary you have going here. I'm purely a freshwater guy, but this has me looking every other day!
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    Check out this site. Pretty dead, but has some good info on hatching and species.
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    Fascinating! I find that really interesting. Got any other info or links pertaining to aquarium hydroponics?
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    375Gal Custom Tank Center Suggest And General Help Pls

    Nice! Why not have a nice sump instead of so many little filters?
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    First Time I Ever Did Anything Like This...

    Don't worry. What I like to do is to plant a seed or a small plant and put the roots near the fish. Out of a lifeless husk springs new life. Then whenever you see the plant, you can remember him =]
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    I'Ve Got A Qustion About My Aquarium

    How many gallons? It looks suitable for a a Betta, not sure about the ADFs
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    Shrimp....Erm Whats In It?

    They look a little bit like eggs. Does the brown bottom part look like eggs?
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    I Found The Fabled Hot Springs!

    I would try getting any underwater camera and somehow take pictures. If I may ask, how did you find it? You got the coordinates? How far from a road? I'm not trying to get there, I live in Florida!
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    Is The Ocean Cycled?

    Yep, I was pondering this today and came to the conclusion that when looking at the amount of water in the ocean, it would be like putting one danio in a 150 gallon. The amount of water would dilute the ammonia, and plants would take it in. But what about rivers? Is the current like a never...
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    Sand Sifting Snails?

    Yes, MTS, Malasyian Trumpet snails. As long as the water isnt too soft they will be good. They stay in the sunstrate all day and come out at night.
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    Funny Story

    Another one. Today, I saw an MTS crawling along the bottom surface of the water, upsidedown. Moving its mouth around like it was eating algae....
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    Can You Identify These Baby Snails?

    Yep, definitely ramshorns. Careful, they can eat plants!
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    I don;t know if there is a difference between coldwater and tropical fish starvation times. Since all fish are cold- blooded, they can go for pretty long. However, (And I'm just speculating) wouldn't coldwater fish have slower metabolisms and therefore can go longer?
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    Tank On Skip-Worth Salvaging?

    Ooh yeah, thats a great idea. Check out Mikaila's topic.
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    Thinking Of Getting A Betta, Advice Please!

    Yeah, you should never really have Bettas in communities, its too risky. I've heard of one story of a male coexisting, but only one. It depends on the temperment of the Betta. Some can't even have cories in their tanks. A 3 gallon is good for each Betta, but 5 gallons is perfect. A 10 gallon...
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    Moving Snails To Another Tank After Fish Death?

    Snails (at least Malaysian Trumpet Snails) exit the water when water quality is bad. Check for ammonia. What is the temp on that tank?
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    Switching To Sand & Can I Use Pure Quartz Reptile Sand?

    Try looking for play sand or Toys R Us play sand. A lot of people use it.
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    How Did You Start Fishkeeping And What Was Your Craziest Fish?

    Fasinating! I would love to see one of those work. Have any pictures?
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    What Do You Go By?

    That would be funny in Kelvin. "I keep my bettas at 450K, I think its a good temp."
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    Havent Seen Loach In 3-4 Months

    I have heard stories like this, not seeing coolies until you strip down the tank. I wouldn't think much of it, but you never know. I also hear they can fit in awfully tight spaces. Check the filter, and anywhere else you can think of.
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    Funny Story

    So i'm just on the computer, close to my 2.5 gallon. It has a HOB, some plants and some MTS and (yay) some baby ones too. So I hear a rattling, think nothing of it, then, I think of the worst. A snail getting turned into a smoothie by the impeller. I rush over to the tank, and out plops and...
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    My New 1g Project

    Ooh, what does it have? Any pics?
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    Help With Co2

    Dont waste your money on buying the kit, DIY and save some money! Plus you can get more than one bottle, which will be beneficial. Check out these links, they helped me a lot.
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    Shrimp Questions

    They certainly will breed. They will eat anything, from sinking carnivore pellets, algae wafers, algae.
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    Bloated Betta

    Yes, it may be dropsy. How much of what do you usually feed?
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    Updated Pics Of My Betta- Lotus'S Tank

    Looks nice, simple and elegant.
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    If You Could Have Any Specialist Fish What Would It Be?

    Oh, man. I would make a huge betta tank. Thousands. Wow, that would be so awesome.
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    Adandrews' 35L Nano

    Be careful with the canister filter and those shrimp. The babies, at least. Most people when they change to a sponge filter they see a drastic increase in the survival rate of babies. Maybe a sponge over the intake?
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    Cardinals Question

    I'm not sure about cardinals, I have no experience with them. But the betta is certainly out of the question, in my opinion. Male bettas are pretty aggresive in general, while very few can stand other fish. Good luck.
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    Rotting Plants

    Nope, just three stalks of that plant in the 5's.
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    Rotting Plants

    I got some plants for an experiment I was doing, and put them into three tanks. (Four actually, I put the extras in an old 2.5). A few days after I put them in, they started to rot in the first three. I had put a tiny amount of ferts in them, (By eye, not by precise measurements). I forgot the...
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    Red Tail Shark

    Most people would recommend to move him out. (As would I)
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    My 10 Gallon Heavily Planted Tank

    Wow! That looks great! Some neons/cardinals would look great in there.
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    Dipnetting 10/24

    Clams are filter feeders, right? Look at this care guide for the Bamboo Shrimp, another filter feeder. I would imagine a clam would feed similarly?
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    I Found A Snail In My Tank

    Are they pond snails, ramshorns, or Malaysian trumpet snails? Pond snails can eat your plants, so watch out.
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    Did you see the topic in the Aquarium and Fish Pictures forum? It goes step by step, somewhat.
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    New Fish Tank?

    I have heard of people using large plastic Rubbermaid containers, if theis helps. There around ten dollars, around seven euros. (?) Could be a temporary measure.
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    5Gal Paludarium Build Thread

    Any new updates? Where does the hose from the powerhead go though, the rockface? Inside it? Or did you put it around/on top?
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    Shrimp Questions

    Here's some good sites for shrimp.