Shrimp Questions


Fish Herder
Oct 31, 2005
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ive got 10 cherry shrimps in my biube with a betta but there so small about 3cm but one has grown to about 1 inch and now full of colour

so how quick does these things grow and what do i feed them on also there so hard to find and seem shy
will they breed in the tank as there all from the same blood

is there anything else i need to know??
They certainly will breed.
They will eat anything, from sinking carnivore pellets, algae wafers, algae.
thanks for the website
also is it ok to mix shrimps?
with other shrimps that are not cherrys

A simple rule is that you cannot put any shrimp of the same genus together. Genus meaning the first word of the scientific name of the shrimp. Neocaridina heteropoda sp. "red" is the scientific name for the Red Cherry Shrimp. Red Cherry Shrimp is the common name. Scientific names are vital due to the fact that there can be many common names for the same shrimp, like Cherry Red Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp, Fire Red Shrimp, Cherry Shrimp, etc. For example: Neocaridina heteropoda is the scientific name for a wild type shrimp. Neocaridina is the genus, and heteropoda is the species. That is how you identify the genus, and then you can know what you cannot put together. You cannot house a Neocaridina with another Neocaridina. You also cannot house a Caridina with another Caridina. You can however house a Caridina with a Neocaridina.

Shrimp do not breed like other organisms where you can cross two species and combine the best characteristics. You cannot take a Snowball Shrimp and cross it with a Red Cherry Shrimp to create a "Pink Shrimp." Unfortunately selective breeding is the only way to create a colorful strain. Selective breeding is where you take the color traits of a wild shrimp and breed out the specific color you wish to have.

my shrimps are always hiding is there anything that brings them out ?
when my amanos were with some harlequin rasboras, they were out all the time, but i have moved them with some platies, and they are always hiding - i think the platies are too boisterous for them. dunno if its the betta or if they are just settling in, but thats just my experience :good:
what age do shrimps start breeding at?
my shrimps are tiny at the mo some aint even started to turn red ie cherry shrimps, but im starting to see new baby shrimps like about 1mm are they gettin jiggy already?
another shrimp question
whats the difference beyween white eggs and green eggs ??
Any other species of atyid shrimp are compatible just that they may crossbreed that is what the planet invert table is warning you about, its completely up to you if you want a pure strain. Cherries will always breed if a male and female are present in the same tank and normally if you only buy females (due to their brighter colouration) they will be impregnated already even though they have been kept in separate tanks in the store where purchased. The egg colour doesn't matter it can be an indication of impurity in the genetics due to previous cross or inbreeding.
ive kept 2 pregnaut female in seperate tanks just 1 has green eggs and 1 has white! so thats fine then?

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