Thinking Of Getting A Betta, Advice Please!


Oct 12, 2009
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ok so im thinking of getting a betta today. what is a good size tank to put him in and what can go in with him??? id like to try and have 2 bettas but im not sure if theyd get along? ive heard stories of some bettas getting along and stories of bettas having tankmates. i dont want my betta to be lonely! please, any advice would help!
they need atleast a 3g tank with filter and heaters but a 5g would be alot better and then you could keep some corys with it. you cant keep to males together they would kill each other and you cant keep 2 females you need to have 1 or a group of 4 and if you get a 4+ they need to be kept in a 10g because if you only got 2 or 3 one would be dominant and bully and really stress the othe 1 or 2 so they need to be in groups to spread out agression.
Yeah, you should never really have Bettas in communities, its too risky. I've heard of one story of a male coexisting, but only one. It depends on the temperment of the Betta. Some can't even have cories in their tanks.

A 3 gallon is good for each Betta, but 5 gallons is perfect. A 10 gallon can be divided to hold two bettas.

I assume you know about cycling? Its very important!
yes, i know about cycling. i have a 10g already cycled. i was thinking of putting some of my guppy fry(the older ones) in that tank but then i went to walmart and found this beautiful crowntail betta and he looked soooo sad in that tiny cup. can he co-habitate with guppies?
yes and no some bettas are fine with guppies some arnt. i had one that lived with guppys for agers but had enother that killed 2 guppys in its first nught in the tank. so you just have to see how agressive the betta is.
You should move your guppy fry to another tank or get the betta a 5-10 gallon of his own. Bettas and guppies, espescially male guppies with their long bright fins, do not generally get along at all . The betta is quite likely to attack and even kill the guppies. Since they are fry they may also get eaten or chewed if he mistakes them for food.

A low flow filter with a spray bar attatchment, or a sponge filter is good for a betta, and of course a heater is needed set to around 27/28 degrees C.

You will need to plant the tank quite heavily with live or silk ( not plastic) plants ( or a mix of both ) as these fish like a lot of vegetation to rest on and lurk in. Tall plants are a good choice so the fish can rest on them near the surface and build his bubblenests around them. Surface plants are also a really good idea. Frogbit, riccia, water lettuce and even duckweed ( as long as you regularly remove some to keep it from taking over the surface ) are all good ones to try.
I have never had a Betta splendens that I could not keep with guppies. I have read plenty of posts from people who say it is not possible, but I had my bettas before many of them were born and with no issues ever, I do not consider that advice as very relevant. Right now I have one of my males in a 45 gallon endler tank the other is in a 120 gallon community tank. Both are doing well and growing old in their respective tanks. The one with the endlers has also spent time in other tanks over the last 4 years, but I decided I need a bit of fry control in the endler tank because it was becoming so crowded without an predators in there.
ok so i bought my betta today! hes a beautiful crowntail and i added him in before i addd the guppy fry so he could get used to the tank. about 3hrs later i added the fry and he hasnt paid them any mind! he chased a few in the beginning but is now leaving them alone. ive put a few fake plants in with him as a temporary fix until my live plants start sprouting and growing. he seems very happy to be out of his tiny cup bc he is swimming all around his new 10g tank, exploring every inch of it. he is sooo beautiful! hes a tourquoise color with a bit of dark blue and red on the fins. anymore suggestions would be great and ill keep you updated on his progress! as of yet he is un-named.

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