375Gal Custom Tank Center Suggest And General Help Pls


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Fish Fanatic
Sep 20, 2009
Reaction score
Porterville, California
built on a budget piece by piece over time it will be done a truly custom aquarium, but more that a piece of furniture - lively full of energy and beauty in massive size.
integrated in custom wrap around couches and connected corner desks
custom outlets its own breaker box
lighting all integrated with a unique bubble pilot view (form the middle of the tank)
this tank is a dream of mine recently and with alot of talk, plans and changes & buttering up linda.
its time to began the next stage of planning and start work.
with seating capacity of 8 adults
desks provide space for 7 desktop computers
2 tv's and
2 ten gallon tanks as well as built in lighting fixtures and fans with the main feature as a:
Custom built LEXAN fish tank 375 USG 1421L
dimensions are expected at a minimum at this point at: 86"longX24"wideX42"tall
335 NET usg
total weight full combined water equipment tank and substrates total = 4900LBS
stand when connected with wrap around couches,desk and bubble cockpit= 1195LBS
combined weight upon foundation SPREAD= 6095 (3.09 US TONS)
integrated electrical and plumbing
Feet of Wire= 655'
max volts= 125
amp max total housing= 100amp
20 electrical outlets
10 timer controlled switched
5 dimmers
25 lighting fixtures totaled
20 intake exhaust fans
total electrical usage (all plugs powering devices ( unlikly)) 500watts
average usage circa 200watts
aquarium electrical usage circa 600watts
with 3 emperor 400 bio wheel filters, aquaclear 110 3stage filter and one whisper 2-10gal filter (that ones just to mature small media packs and custom filter media for other small ten gals i have)
4x 300watt heaters all auto of course
2x 20,000Kelvin T8 lamps
2X 6500K full spec T8 lamps
custom air pump made from heavy duty hospital grade asthmatic air pump (currently powering 22 bubblers across a 110gal, 63gal and 10gal with still too much air and pressure=)) so it will do well for this size. aside having 3 small 20gal down air pumps and a 100gal tank air pump keeping air among these giants is no issue there
as for plants im unsure of my picking however the vast majority of my stock are from asia so plant ideas for that region i would appreciate however i will be transferring my dwarf lillie bulb over to it and my V sword plant somewhat like the amazon variation not sure its full name. giving my power lighting many plants that provide cover and can handle it are a must
200lbs of rock from quartz, crystal, slate, granite
500lbs of sand and gravel i already --- i need some advice on levels for the lower parts of the tank some areas will be mountains with large upward facing granite high sand and gravel so those are null on thickness of gravel just my lower plains the MINs pretty much
temps due to its length its possible from experiments to have two diff yet close temp ranges in oppossites thus right side the east rift mountain area will be at 77F while the lower western plains area will be a low 74-75F both temp zones no more than the species below max or below MINs so they overlap species
all glass fully gravel covered caves and tubes
30lbs of driftwood
finally here are the expected stocking fish please KEEP IN MIND--> i know some species get to big even for this massive tank as well as a danger to others those arent perminent when time is time they get their own tanks ALL FISH WILL BE SENT TO ME AS VERY YOUNG AND SMALL so from my exp and some close friends of mine majority will get along with their tank mates they grew up with giving the size the age and variety im willing to track down a timid and mild male betta to house in there it just woulndt be a gourami tank without one since that family/genus is the focal of this tank
2x apple snail
4x female betta splendens
1x male betta splendens (VOID)
2x chocolate G
4x Blue G
2x dwarf G
2x croaking G
2x golden G
2x honey G
2x Kissing G
2x Moonlight G
2x Pearl G
2x Pygmy G
10X zebra Danio
2x Bristlenose pleco

2x angelfish <-- this void aswell
4x tigar barb <_- another what do ya think tetra tank or gourami tank worthy?
Due date is FEB 15th 2010 as the stocking day
Construction structures N tank begins November 24th 2009
any general comments, advice, suggestions, or to call me an idiot or crazy are appreciated before feb 1st =)
any ones help/assistance and advice givin for this project will be most definetly credited both online and on its name plaq im making for it aswell for the stand base =) cool YOur name on a strangers furniture what more you want !?!


OH MAN! That sounds like a dream setup. You MUST take pics pics and more pics for us to see as it comes together.

As far as stocking I would suggest a few more tiger barbs, in my experience they do best in a group of at least six, this really cuts down on fin nipping of other species. And I would definately put the tiger barbs in the tetra tank, the gourami's 'feelers' may be too tempting for the barbs to pass up pecking on.
OH MAN! That sounds like a dream setup. You MUST take pics pics and more pics for us to see as it comes together.

As far as stocking I would suggest a few more tiger barbs, in my experience they do best in a group of at least six, this really cuts down on fin nipping of other species.
excellent thank you i was most unsure about them in particular. my main document will be updated with this
as for dream oh yeah i dream big and build massive surprisingly i can do this all under 2K USD some parts will be used with exception to load carring parts those cannnot be used we are talking heavier than a car weights here =) as for pics oh yeah ever piece of equipment and foot of wire will be pic'd and video

after its done i will post its blueprints and itemized list of all items so others can addon or duplicate
Why not have a nice sump instead of so many little filters?

the electrical pipeline that runs all the furniture and living room will be running underneath it plus im a big fan of bio wheels plus at hand all of those i have lowering the cost on this piece.
i would love when im done to make my own homemade sump possibly remote away from the living room and have it off under ktichen sink or hall closet somewhere
gonna have the bottom panel oversized so i can mold a dome into the bottom of the tank so one could sit dead center on the floor and stick there head up into the tank for true 360 tank view from a fishs perpective =) but um has this been done yet though????
I know the tank is really huge but I would say don't add a male with female bettas. They are well known for not getting on and males in particular are not good community fish at all . Instead, make your group of girls bigger. Up them to 8-10 for a really good soroity.
you can't keep giant gouramis with small fish, surely that is common sense, you need to wait until you have everything you need to build the tan k before you start, you leave things half done and bits laying around is asking for trouble, you wouldn't really keep tiger barbs with bettas and small gouramis, especially chocolate gouramis and honey gouramis, also angelfish can and do eat small fish, well renowned for picking off fish such as the neon tetras you have listed, also if by pygmy gouramis you meen sparkling gouramis they would probably not last too long either.
i think you have some major re-thinking to do before you even think about going any further.
i shall reserve judgement on whether i think this is reality or not, i will believe it when i see it!
anyone with enough knowledge and experience to even take on such a sized tank and its maintenance would shurely know that stockings compatibility is totally incompatible.
Loaches, chinese algae eaters, flying foxes, rainbow sharks and red tailed black sharks.

You could get some ideas from this smaller tank: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCkFuLhO7wI

He has the stock list (excluding quantities) in the video description. If you manage to make it even half as good as that tank, it will be pretty awesome.
Hey jjkremp, sounds awesome.

Just thought I would let you know you can change the title of the thread to say 375 gal by clicking Edit on your first post, then click 'Use Full Editor' - you'll be able to change the thread title at the top.
no need to insult me on a possible stock. sheesh as for me idk bout you but i build alot of stuff its quite easily to get supplies through out and build complete sections at a time since the tank is last =)
----this aint just a fish tank although thats the centerpiece

reeedfish ill have the prints and material list up soon once its all written out.
so far its gonna cost a very reasonable 2100$ USD lexan at a inch thick and the lumber is very reasonable out here dont know about elsewhere or UK however this furniture build highly affordable specially when spanned out over a 6-8month period

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