Sand Sifting Snails?


Sep 10, 2009
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Hello, I recently switched from gravel to sand in my 2 tanks, and the other day I saw a post some where on this fourm regarding a type of freshwater snail that helps to stir or sift your sand so that you don't have to do it manually as often. I can't for the life of me remember the name of the snail nor can I find that post. Does anyone know the type of snail that sifts your sand, and are they ok to put in with a Betta fish and Zebra Danio? (Betta in one tank, Zebras will be in the other)

FYI no live plants, sand depth approx 1 inch
Yes, MTS, Malasyian Trumpet snails. As long as the water isnt too soft they will be good. They stay in the sunstrate all day and come out at night.
Thats it!!! I knew I would know it if I saw the name thanks so much. My water is in the middle, definately not soft but not too hard eithor so they should be good. Just to double check they are ok with Bettas right? Also if I don't get them (or can't find them) how often do you have to stir your sand?

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